Attendees: Don, Glen, Ben C., Joanna, Xinyu, Glen, Shebu, Anton
- Glen: Migrating Jira to Cloud - Atlassian is going Cloud only.
- Glen: New H/W in place?
- Joanna: No conflicts for next month or two, no issues
- TF-M release - Anton: First Friday of August
- Ben: Open a ticket and Ben will bring it up after 1.4.0
- Glen: Would it help benefit TF-M to do it now?
- Discussed the split of resources between staging vs production
- Server load overview
- Change the "01" to "02" to see both servers
- Anton: ST board can now be used to run release tests?
- Glen: Yes, it's ready.
- Glen: Chromebooks. Getting the final platforms to Cambridge lab.
Arther to finish in next week prior to board arrival. Will start Cypress
- Joanna: Need to work out who develops tests for the Chromebooks.
- Glen: Will check with Arthur on basic boot tests
- Joanna: Expect Scripts and Code Coverage patches reviewed. They look
fine. What about uploading our own FVP models (TFC-108).
- Ben: Riku has done some work on this (created CI job). See ticket
comments. No ETA yet, but doesn't look like a long task.
Leonardo will be
tasked and he's out this week to move Riku's job over.
- Joanna: How do new users leverage the download tool?
- Raise a TFC ticket.
- MBedTLS - SOW updated, milestones charted out. JIra cards created.
- Support for IAR compiler?
- Shebu: Got some licenses for Arm use, but will be a future milestone.
- Shebu out for month of August. Dave R will need to identify a POC for
MBedTLS guidance.
*Attendees*: Shebu, Peterson, Xinyu, Paul, Black, Ben C, Matteo, Glen,
Andon, Don, Joanna
- Discussing compiler issues used in Open CI compiler latencies that
have been seen
- Paul driving a new licensing model. Also want to try new licensing.
See performance issues on Arm CI as well.
- Matteo: Use CPU and Arch models. Have problems w/ model licenses
- Ben to provide licenses in license file.
- Running these for TF-M and TF-A.
- Paul would like to determine how much improvement he can gain. Want
to know how long should take
- Ben: TFC-110 request for long term licenses.
- Glen to give Paul full access to tickets. Add Peterson Quadros as well
Review Dashboard:
- Anton: Approaching release. No issues, but LAVA had an issue.
- Xinju: See…
Lava jobs cancelled themselves.
- Ben: Assumed someone did this. No way to tell who did this.
- Glen: Should we send out an email?
- Ben already told his team.
- Xinyu, another release build tomorrow.
- Anton: Expect lots of TF-M usage over next 2 weeks. Expect this is
one time event, so no ticket
- Joanna: Team is struggling w/ some use cases. TFC-87. How jobs
reported in gerrit.
- Joanna: 2nd issue - jobs taking longer to run. Running CI on patches
may take 3-4 hours. May have been tied to simultaneous TF-M builds? Not
sure. Team seeing some stability issues. Forcing multiple runs. Not
sure if servers, tests, or other. How should this be approached
- MC: Does TFC-87 require Open CI dev teams?
- JF: Can do some minor things, but not sure that's the best patch
- MC: Have agreed on a set of desired features in the in-progress
column. Want to keep the focus on these. Unless it's a blocker, then would
like to see this remain backlogged
- JF: Can try to drive from Arm, but may need Leonardo support for quick
questions, etc. Usability
- MC: We agreed to focus on more coverage focus vs better usability.
- JF: Can an infrastructure boost help? Assume it won't get better.
- GV: Maintenance piece feels missing in some ways. ST board seeing
regressions, for example. Need to determine who is watching these failures.
- GV: Why failures are occurring is the missing piece
- SK: ST a new board, not sure it falls under maintenance.
- GV: High level - who is supposed to be watching the boards
- SK: A roles and responsibility needs to be developed.
- MC: This year, features, next year, transition to improvements.
- GV: Code coverage should wrap up in the next week. Expect scripts
task moving forward as well.
- GV: Chromebooks progressing - health check should be running in the
next few days, awaiting h/w to reach Cambridge lab.
- GV: Dave, Scott, Leonardo are finalizing estimates for MBed TLS. A
sync today. Estimates are within October time frame. So want to finish
Expect and Code Coverage, then transition to MBed TLS start of August.
TFC-114, and 110 still need closed out.
- GV: Boards are looking good - Arthur may be able to pick up some
jenkins related tasks if spare time.
- GV: When we move to maintenance mode, want to evaluate the best fits.
Attendees: Don, Glen, Joanna, Anton, Xinyu, Matteo, Shebu, Ben C
- TFC-34: Think the board has been swapped and tests pass
- TFC-46: ST boards. A time out has been added. Board in but a test
working at Arthur's local lab but no in LAVA Lab.
- TFC-45: Chromebook - boards shipping to Cambridge.
- TFC-4: mbed TLC - Arther has first six milestones to put into the
document. Dave also owes a few more pieces of information as well as
publish the test suite.
- Shebu: Please send a note out to Matteo, Shebu and Don when the
doc gets updated.
- TFC-92 - Matteo: Ben suggested needs to be a deployable solution.
Please explain last couple of comments
- Ben: Needs to use Tuxput and get it working. Uploads files and no
uploads FVP images to FVP bucket. Now write jenkins job. Can
now be done
thru Jenkins and no longer needs Linaro Engineering.
- Joanna; Now automatic.
- Ben: Yes, but Leonardo still working this (TFC-108)
- Glen: Any Docs?
- Ben: Yes but should be simple from user side
- Has been delayed due to focus on TFC-4
- TFC-36:
- Joanna: Patches under review, progressing well. Still catching up,
expect feedback later this week.
- TFC-7: Code Coverage
- Joanna: Version using is one version ahead. Also need output
sourced from console. Have data, just need to process it.
- TFC-114 - In progress. Just got posted and moved to In Progress.
Joanna noted that once TFC-92 is done, the arm team can do these on their
- New ticket - TFC-113
- TFC-110 - Compiler licenses
- Glen: Needed for release?
- Anton: No, but slows things down.
- Ben: A quick add to flexnet server once get license.
- Anton: Send to support(a)
- Ben: Did once long time ago, didn't use the support channel though.
- Shebu: If send note to support, please cc Shebu. Include Bill
Fletcher as well since has history.
- Ben: How many should be requested? Currently have a 12 seat
compiler pack.
- Use in parallel too.
- Ben: Should get 120 new licenses. The twelve are expiring August
- *Glen*: Check w/ Bill F on how to acquire 120 FCP licenses.
- Matteo: really want to see current "In Progresses" Closed.
Ticket for Musca board remove and replace -
On 6/22/2021 9:00 AM, Don Harbin via Tf-openci-triage wrote:
> *Attendees*: Matteo, Glen, Don, Xinyu, Shebu, Fathi, Ben, Anton
> *Minutes*:
> - TFC-46 ST Boards in progress - very close. Devices are on line.
> - ChromeBook - in progress. Working w/ Julius has been helping to get a
> board unlocked.
> - Cypress has committed with a board. Cypress then NXP board are the
> order to enable
> - TFC-34: Only board that can run OTP tests. Suggest swap this out swap
> out.
> - Lab could swap this out with an LSS ticket. Need to flash with
> correct certificate. Already have this certificate. MUSCA_B1 is
> the one to
> replace.
> - LSS-2020
> -
> - Recieved Dave R code last week, Leonardo / Scott have been creating
> a plan - want to go thru the plan with Dave later this week.
> - Shebu: Would like the doc link
> - Glen: Owe ETC for all in progress columns
> - Matteo: Tied to the current plan in October. Want to understand
> effort required, especially w/ mBedTLS to do. Then will make a priority
> call.
> - Glen: mBedTLS - multiple platforms, compilers, etc. Planning a
> phased in functionality. May find some lower priorities (like Mac OS).
> Then review w/ Dave.
> - Matteo: Don't want to add more to In Progress until items are
> finished.
Linaro <>
Glen Valante | /Sr. Technical Program Manager/
T: +1.508.517.3461 <tel:1617-320-5000>
glen.valante(a) <> | Skype:
gvalante <callto:gvalante>
*Attendees*: Matteo, Glen, Don, Xinyu, Shebu, Fathi, Ben, Anton
- TFC-46 ST Boards in progress - very close. Devices are on line.
- ChromeBook - in progress. Working w/ Julius has been helping to get a
board unlocked.
- Cypress has committed with a board. Cypress then NXP board are the
order to enable
- TFC-34: Only board that can run OTP tests. Suggest swap this out swap
- Lab could swap this out with an LSS ticket. Need to flash with
correct certificate. Already have this certificate. MUSCA_B1 is
the one to
- LSS-2020
- Recieved Dave R code last week, Leonardo / Scott have been creating
a plan - want to go thru the plan with Dave later this week.
- Shebu: Would like the doc link
- Glen: Owe ETC for all in progress columns
- Matteo: Tied to the current plan in October. Want to understand
effort required, especially w/ mBedTLS to do. Then will make a priority
- Glen: mBedTLS - multiple platforms, compilers, etc. Planning a
phased in functionality. May find some lower priorities (like Mac OS).
Then review w/ Dave.
- Matteo: Don't want to add more to In Progress until items are
On Tue, 15 Jun 2021 at 08:00, Don Harbin via Tf-openci-triage <
tf-openci-triage(a)> wrote:
> Attendees: Don, Xinyu, Fathi, Ben, Joanna, Shebu, Matteo
> Minutes:
> - TFC-46, Boards in the Lab. being built out. LAVA upgrade is also being
> completed. Should be up by the end of the week.
> - *Action: Don* follow up with Scott on TFC-4 to see if any progress
> made
> - Arthur is on TFC-45
> - Not much progress except on the boards. No clear view.
> - Some progress made on TFC-92
> - *Don: Follow up *on where else progress has been made
> - NXP hardware shipped to Arther.
> - *Don to reach out to Cypress* and let them know their about to lose
> their place in the queue. Also status on hardware they want.
> - TFC-36 blocked by TFC-102 that looks to be complete. Can it be
> closed?
yes, TFC-102 is complete and now it is resolved. TFC-36 is effectively
- Check on TFC-7 to see how close this is
> - Ben: LSS-2262, TF-M CI being slow. Tied to Arm Clang being slow in
> Docker container. Arm Toolchain team has reproduced this in Arm Clang
> - Ben: TFC-92 - Split into two pieces. 1 push 1 pull. Made progress
> this week.
> --
> Tf-openci-triage mailing list
> Tf-openci-triage(a)
Attendees: Don, Xinyu, Fathi, Ben, Joanna, Shebu, Matteo
- TFC-46, Boards in the Lab. being built out. LAVA upgrade is also being
completed. Should be up by the end of the week.
- *Action: Don* follow up with Scott on TFC-4 to see if any progress made
- Arthur is on TFC-45
- Not much progress except on the boards. No clear view.
- Some progress made on TFC-92
- *Don: Follow up *on where else progress has been made
- NXP hardware shipped to Arther.
- *Don to reach out to Cypress* and let them know their about to lose
their place in the queue. Also status on hardware they want.
- TFC-36 blocked by TFC-102 that looks to be complete. Can it be closed?
- Check on TFC-7 to see how close this is
- Ben: LSS-2262, TF-M CI being slow. Tied to Arm Clang being slow in
Docker container. Arm Toolchain team has reproduced this in Arm Clang
- Ben: TFC-92 - Split into two pieces. 1 push 1 pull. Made progress
this week.
- Anton: Thanks for the new URL, Riku. System even works faster
- Action for Don to update the website.
- contains the urls.
- Anton: Riku, asked for performance debug contact in cloud team.
- Riku: Seeing Arm compiler take too long in App space and need to
- LSS-2262
- Don: TFC-4: Lay out plan for mBedTLS and get breakdown.
- Matteo: How is ST board going?
- Fathi: LAVA release has been updated. Now ready to deploy the ST
- Ben: Lab is updating LAVA this week, and then the board will be in.
- Don: Arthur is now focused on ChromeOS
- LSS-2240 is tracking this final step
- Matteo: Should Backlog, be reviewed?
- Moved Disaster Recovery to SC Approved
- Would require some support from Systems team (Riku).
- TFC-7 Code Coverage
- Good to get out of the way if only a few days of work.
- Moved up in the priority
- TFC-45 Chromebook - moved above expect scripts as well
- TFC-92 - Discussion
- Matteo: Thinking this could ease the work on TFC-5 and others.
Because team has to create docker images
- Fathi: Need to document how to use for external contributors.
- Joanna: Then the dev team could do some of this.
- Moved to Approve above TFC-82
- So summary
- Finish TFC-7, complete mBedTLS estimates, then pick up DR (TFC-88),
then document the plans for TFC-92
Attendees: Glen Valante, Joanna Farley, Matteo Carlini, Don, Anton, Fathi,
- GV: ST Boards: Ready to be stood up in lab once the boards are received.
- GV: Arthur continuing with Chromebooks
- GV: Met yesterday with NXP for Kickoff. Boards may already have a LAVA
device type so may go quickly.
- JF: Expect scripts task. Not Expect scripts now. FVP's behaving
differently in Arm vs Linaro environment. Working to isolate the issue.
Only 2 of the 6 are behaving as expected.
* MC: Can this be low priority as we focus on main topics (Board
enablement and MBedTLS breakdown/progress).
- GV: Second minor issue is code coverage.
- MC: Agree code coverage lower priority than MBedTLS. The more can use
internal Arm team for help on the minor issues, the better.
- ACTION: Glen to focus Leonardo on getting the MBedTLS work breakdown
Attendees: Don, Glen, Ben, Fathi, Shebu, Anton
- Open issue from Nvidia. Should open issues in TFC. Regarding NVidia
issue - not getting notification emails (proxy server went down, resolved)
* Glen to follow up to make sure it's fixed and the reporter is getting
- ST board integration status: Some boards were sent into the lab. Now
making sure they're for our project. Glen chasing this down.
- Glen: TFC-36 Expect scripts blocked - seems to be licensing but still
root causing.
* Joanna - team is seeing some model issues as well. May be the model
itself. Looking at how the model is licensed.
- Shebu: MBedTLS status?
- Glen: Team loaded up and haven't started this effort. TFC-7 having some
issues with log files that are being debugged.
- Shebu: Need to monitor effort as it's blocking higher priorities.
Feel free to append these notes if I missed any topics.