Hi All,
Please find the meeting minutes from yesterday below
Attendees: Joanna, Don, Antonio, Ben, Glen, Xinyu, Shebu, Matteo, Dan
Upgrade for Production has been pushed to July 5th. Arthur She
<arthur.she(a)linaro.org> is on holiday and it makes sense to have him
back for testing.
Lab Hardware - Back boards?
Lab team has asked if there are any MPS boards?
AI: Anton to see about getting 1-2 spares
Recent issue TFC-293 <https://linaro.atlassian.net/browse/TFC-293> -
Flakey stm32l562e
Arthur has 2 and will ship them when he returns home at the end of
Joanna - is anyone doing anything with the Chrome Books.
Google should be creating boot tests and any other tests they
would like. AI: Don to follow up with Julian about setting up
tests. Also bring up at the board meeting. (Shebu brought up w/
NXP in the past.)
Jira https://linaro.atlassian.net/browse/TFC-275 logged for what
needs to be setup.
Shebu - Its the partners responsibility to enable the testing.
Juno’s using netboot?
If your changing the firmware, netboot will not help.
Dean & Ben to follow up with a discussion about the details, may
be able to reduce the frequency of
Shebu - Hosting mbedtls website content in tf.org
Old company removed all content, new company will need to redeploy.
Dean - Is it possible to migrate MbedTLS to TF.org domain?
TF is all hosted off GitHub (
https://github.com/TrustedFirmwareWebsite/website )
Current: https://www.trustedfirmware.org/projects/mbed-tls/
There is legacy content, knowledge base for coding style, examples.
Ben - convert the content as a pull request.
Shebu - readthedocs is more of a long term, short term is just to
drop it in somewhere.
Old Site - https://github.com/Mbed-TLS/polarssl_site (Private)
Blockers - cleaned up. 1 waiting for Paul to get back, 4 waiting on
Production update
- Updated Plan Milestones w/ dates.
Attendees: Joanna, Don, Antonio, Ben, Glen, Xinyu, Shebu, Matteo, Dan
Code Coverage: Closed?
Joanna: Was a bug, thought Paul fixed - will verify.
Xinyu: CC broken in TF-M.
Paul on Holiday this week.
Next week, Monday, updating Prod to mirror Stage. 27th. Kelley will
Arthur will be on holiday 28th to the 4th. Verify 27th is still a
good date for the update w/ Arthur’s update.
ECLAIRE Next Steps
Don acquired of licenses (detachable)
M0 - Planning done, ~30 staff weeks total remaining.
Majority of work is Paul (16-18 staff months).
Systems side is 12-14 staff weeks.
Will Paul have time for other tasks?
Arthur will be available full time w/ no additional h/w in the queue.
Table didn’t have time view. How much can be done in Parallel? Will
it be done by October? Start putting in dates?
Glen add dates to milestones
Also define plan for what Arthur can complete this 6 month technology
Don: Blocker review
TFC-9: Move back to backlog. Contact? Linaro Security team.
TFC-16: Already have TF-247. Close TFC-16 as duplicate
TFC-17: TF-M. Antonio, already have a way to test per patch. Close
TFC-17 as OBE. Ping Anton first
TFC-18: Move to bottom of backlog per Shebu
Remaining blockers tied to Production upgrade, so should remain
Matteo: Compiler Licenses have been extended.
Forwarding note from Paul Black.
Action: Let board know there is no Open CI h/w backlog at this time.
June 7th
Attendees: Joanna, Anton, Don, Ben, Glen, Xinyu, Shebu, Matteo, Dave Rodgman
Action Items:
Action: Don to find Friday’s Bugseng meeting minutes and get them sent
Sent out via email - 6/1 Re: Bugseng meeting last Friday?
Linaro - Orginazation meetings next week 13th - 17th; People are out.
Paul is on holiday for 20th - 25th
Upgrade for Production & Stage Jenkins
Stage has been Updated
TF-A/M has completed release, will not need anything for about 6
Kelley is not in SFO, and will be monitoring
Issue with Multi-Job plugin, its deprecated, and may need to move to
something new.
Target for 27th of June.
TFC-260 Mbed TLS running slow - there are two things; bug in the docker
driver or the kernel version.
This work will happen after the Jenkins update has occurred.
Compiler issue with down
Send email to Matteo Carlini <matteo.carlini(a)arm.com> and Shebu on
what the issue is and he can send this up to his management.
MISRA Milestone status; Document is under Review, will provide the
Milestones when available.
Email of various issue from Matteo - need to assign ARM issue to Joanna
Ran out of time… we have blockers that need a review, some are
old. Agreed that some of these may be OBE(overcome by events), but need to
review and make sure any blockers are being worked.