Attendees: Don, Glen, Joanna, Anton, Xinyu, Matteo, Shebu, Ben C
- TFC-34: Think the board has been swapped and tests pass - TFC-46: ST boards. A time out has been added. Board in but a test working at Arthur's local lab but no in LAVA Lab. - TFC-45: Chromebook - boards shipping to Cambridge. - TFC-4: mbed TLC - Arther has first six milestones to put into the document. Dave also owes a few more pieces of information as well as publish the test suite. - Shebu: Please send a note out to Matteo, Shebu and Don when the doc gets updated. - TFC-92 - Matteo: Ben suggested needs to be a deployable solution. Please explain last couple of comments - Ben: Needs to use Tuxput and get it working. Uploads files and no uploads FVP images to FVP bucket. Now write jenkins job. Can now be done thru Jenkins and no longer needs Linaro Engineering. - Joanna; Now automatic. - Ben: Yes, but Leonardo still working this (TFC-108) - Glen: Any Docs? - Ben: Yes but should be simple from user side - Has been delayed due to focus on TFC-4 - TFC-36: - Joanna: Patches under review, progressing well. Still catching up, expect feedback later this week. - TFC-7: Code Coverage - Joanna: Version using is one version ahead. Also need output sourced from console. Have data, just need to process it. - TFC-114 - In progress. Just got posted and moved to In Progress. Joanna noted that once TFC-92 is done, the arm team can do these on their own. - New ticket - TFC-113 - TFC-110 - Compiler licenses - Glen: Needed for release? - Anton: No, but slows things down. - Ben: A quick add to flexnet server once get license. - Anton: Send to - Ben: Did once long time ago, didn't use the support channel though. - Shebu: If send note to support, please cc Shebu. Include Bill Fletcher as well since has history. - Ben: How many should be requested? Currently have a 12 seat compiler pack. - Use in parallel too. - Ben: Should get 120 new licenses. The twelve are expiring August 31. - *Glen*: Check w/ Bill F on how to acquire 120 FCP licenses. - Matteo: really want to see current "In Progresses" Closed.