*Attendees*: Don, Glen, Anton, Shebu, Matteo, Joanna, Ben C, Dave Rodgman, Riku
- Servers went down - certificate expiration issue resolved. Blocker - TFC-179/TFC-80 (duplicate) - certificates updated and these can be resolved - Glen: Adding boards: - Have documentation on boards. Should we add vendor boards to documentation? - User's manual. - Determine if public? - Don: Assumed it was public. - Shebu: Worth asking Eric, Julius, Sean, and others if they're OK to do that. - Glen: Can share what would be published in the User's Guide first. - Would be OK to point to vendor info if works - Anton: TF-A/M docs could also point to this - Platform integration updates: - Glen: Cypress/NXP in Cambridge. Will get integrated shortly. - Google Chromebooks. - Arthur and Fathi's returned to sender, the 3 platforms made it to the lab. - Working with Google to start the 2nd platform. - MBedTLS - Dave's team provided the AMI files. - Dave: Darryl expected additional AMI's beyond Ubuntu image. Will build additional configs from those after Ubuntu. - TFC-176: Leonardo has a work-around (3 retries), but not getting to root cause. Likely need a longer-term solution. - Glen asking for Expect script review from Joanna. - TFC-82: Github auth. Working, now looking to deploy. - Anton: TF-M health check job. Expected OpenCI team to keep it up. Sanity test is failing. https://ci.trustedfirmware.org/view/TF-M/job/tf-m-infra-health/ - Don: Suggest creating a ticket. - Action: Glen/Ben to open a ticket so that can track/assign.
Thanks don