April 5th
Attendees: Joanna, Anton, Glen, Shebu, Xinyu, Don, Dave Rodgman
Infrastructure Changes -
Python V2, V3 -
Issue with some jobs requiring python2. Python v2 is EOL Jan 2020, its a security hole. We will no longer be supporting Python v2. Teams should look to see if there are any dependencies. -
Currently python2 is the first python on the path and kelly has submitted changes. -
Request for Open SSL v3 - Ubuntu 22.04 -
This can be done, should test on one image and see if there are any failures. -
Jenkins is another item that needs to be updated. -
Recommending upgrades to the infrastructure. -
Joanna: Also upgrade documentation when the team performs each upgrade. -
Shebu: A mid-April TF-M release is coming. Want to make sure CI is stable for that -
Start in staging -
Mbed TLS -
Confirmed with the Mbed TLS team that we are working on the Ubuntu platform. All jobs are running and providing Results -
Awaiting Costs from ARM team; -
We are waiting on the Systems Team to provide AWS support for the FreeBSD AMI.