March 29
Attendees: Joanna, Anton, Glen, Shebu, Xinyu,i Don
Mbed TLS -
Dave R can’t make meeting today but if need anything let him know -
Meeting Fridays w/ MbedTLS -
Glen: New numbers based on PRs and averaging, down to $800 (for just the Ubuntu platform). -
Other two platforms won’t scale linearly -
Awaiting Dave’s internal numbers. -
Still need a plugin to complete/deploy the last Ubuntu platform. Also need to deploy the FreeBSD AMI. -
Glen: Paul got TF-M code coverage per user basis working. Will submit some PRs soon. -
Theo is working on the read-the-docs auto-updates for TF-A tests. Also working on ST board. -
Had a sync w/ Tim Benton here regarding the 2nd resource usage. Theo to leave the team after ST board is in. -
Shebu: regarding future tasks - need to determine how to work the documentation request focused on developer usage. TFC-242 -
New licences required for the new compilers -
*ACTION: Glen* to confirm when the licences will expire -
Shebu: In April, will be good to review the backlog and make sure it’s aligned. -
Don finalizing MISRA contract - plan to take to the board for final approval. -
They are moving TF-A/TF-M/Trusted services to a new github repo. There are some new domains that have been created. The TF-A team created all the mirroring scripts, jobs. -
Don updated with references to the new Github repos for each project.