Sept 6
Attendees: Don, Anton, Xinyu, Glen, Joanna, Ben, Shebu, Matteo, Dave R,
Matteo, Shebu
Glen is on holiday Sept 12th -> 16th.
MbedTLS - Migrating the build nodes to Europe have helped. No
failures since they have moved over (5+ days as of today).
Ben notes that there is still a possibility of failure, but it
will be small <2% and it is setup to retry upon failure.
Paul out last week;
Glen to set up a meeting with Paul/Kelly/Ben. Discussion on
Jenkins agents and TFC-286 (Sent for Wednesday 9/7@ 9:00 EST)
Paul is on holiday from Sept 12th thru the 26th
Joanna - TFC-75 is needed; and on Arthurs plate. Team may do
TFC-113 and they would
Latest issue resolved TFC-195
TFC-247, migration to github status; Glen: Will be moved to Arthur
Joanna: Deploy licensing worked out?
Glen: From the Sync w/ Arm, this is on Tim’s plate to work w/
Mark Hamilton
ACTION: Don/Glen - ping Tim for status on Licensing
Joanna Tech forum about long term release (LTS). They are
reviewing the technical process. Not having discussions about
resourcing and funding will be follow on.
Don has reviewed the proposal and created some slides for the
board. Working with members to see about what it would take to
support this.
More discussion is needed by members.
Next releases for TFA/TFM - November
Linaro <http://www.linaro.org>
Glen Valante | /Sr. Technical Program Manager/
T: +1.508.517.3461 <tel:1617-320-5000>
glen.valante(a)linaro.org <mailto:glen.valante@linaro.org> | Skype:
gvalante <callto:gvalante>
August 30th
Attendees: Don, Anton, Xinyu, Glen, Joanna, Ben, Shebu, Matteo, Dave R
TFC-129 <https://linaro.atlassian.net/browse/TFC-129>: Getting help from
Kelley/Ben to move AWS build notes to EU-central
Goal was to get it last week, kicking the effort off today.
This will take a bit of work to migrate the servers.
TFC-195 <https://linaro.atlassian.net/browse/TFC-195>: Permission to
read LAVA job logs by anonymous user
Verified with Xinyu and working on the fix
Working on Misra Guidelines; on vacation this week.
Joanna shared expectation guidelines in an Aug 28th email to Paul.
Matteo, how are we doing in respect to the plan
Infrastructure is proceeding well, all is manual right now and work
needs to be done to automate it.
The work with Eclair to narrow the reports is going well, but there
will be some interaction with ARM to tune this.
In all, the features are close to schedule + ~1 week. M1/M2 are near
completion w/ original Target of Sept 1
Next milestone is M3, Oct 14th.
Progress on the Hardware Rack in Lava Lab
PDU is installed
Still awaiting the deployment of the Cisco switch and tf-worker-01
TFC-75 <https://linaro.atlassian.net/browse/TFC-75> status? Arthur to
start this one next
Joanna, working with her team to migrate to OpenCI, looking for any
missing FVP, and comparison with the on premises CI.
Ticket: Loads an FVP, would like to know what models have been
upstreamed and in use for the CI. Ben suggested to look at the jenkins
Job log
and the output of to tell. Current Jenkins is under lock down, and we
cant provide access without opening up access to other images.
Ben noticed that they have about 5000 images in the FVP lifecycle. Will
clean up the images, deleting the older ones.
August 22nd
Attendees: Xinyu, Don, Glen, Ben, Matteo.
* *
ACTION: Joannato put a short email note together on the agreements
in the meeting and send to Paul, and team
Status Update
* *
o *
Docs TFC-313; awaiting for review from Joanna
o *
MbedTLS, (TFC-129
<https://linaro.atlassian.net/browse/TFC-129>)- still having
issues with Windows Node, Ben suggests could change the zone of
the windows server to EU launch. Have reached out to Ryan Arnold
for some resources to review the issue. Going to halt efforts on
this till other Linaro technical resources return from Holiday.
* *
o *
Meeting w/ Joanna; working on Misra Guidelines.
o *
Rack is currently being setup, Lab team is on holiday this week.
* *
Xinzha, any update on TFC-195? Will have arthur look into this.
Resources for the next year, awaiting to see answers from the
meeting. Awaiting Tim to get back from vacation.
Linaro <http://www.linaro.org>
Glen Valante | /Sr. Technical Program Manager/
T: +1.508.517.3461 <tel:1617-320-5000>
glen.valante(a)linaro.org <mailto:glen.valante@linaro.org> | Skype:
gvalante <callto:gvalante>
August 16th
Attendees: Xinyu, Joanna, Anton, Don
FYI; Glen is out this week.
Status Update
Arthur - Still stuck on Issue w/ Windows Nodes in mbedTLS (TFC-129
<https://linaro.atlassian.net/browse/TFC-129>). Bringing in
resources from Ryan’s team. No updates yet
Paul - meeting yesterday w/ Joanna and team to outline plan for MISRA
reporting. Got some guidance and Paul is moving forward.
Do we need some minutes/requirements to document expectations?
ACTION: Joanna to put a short email note together on the
agreements in the meeting and send to Paul, and team
TFC-313 <https://linaro.atlassian.net/browse/TFC-313>: Arm TF-A
member requesting CI staging area to create jobs and TFC JIRA access to
comment on tasks
Add Harrison to the Gerrit group. He should be able to submit and
approve new jobs for the Staging CI. He still needs to be
added to a GitHub
team member, Joanna could do it?
Plan to update the OpenCI User Guide
per Joanna’s request
Don created two new tickets based upon 1:1 w/ Hauke
TFC-311 and TFC-312
Currently at the bottom of the backlog. Consider moving up when
Shebu/Matteo are back
Joanna: Yes agree lots of “nuances” in the CI. Hard to prioritise
these things but agree would be helpful
Second rack all pieces are in, now preparing to build out
TFC-275: Chrome tests. Arthur working on this and has started, but
still in progress as other
Anton: LAVA logs accessed by anyone, now closed? TFC-195
Agreed to close-not done.
Need to re-open ticket as a newfound need was found on per patch
ACTION: Don Re-Open TFC-195, Done
ACTION: Anton add a note to TFC-195 explaining the need to reopen
Question on Juno R2 boards / Swap
Linaro LKFT has a need for these for kernel upstreaming testing,
would it be possible to swap in some other R0/1s.
Joanna to discuss w/ Matteo when he returns.
Will it be in LAVA farm for others to use? If so would be easier.
ACTION: Don have Anmar send explanation to Joanna
August 9th
Attendees: Xinyu, Joanna, Anton, Glen, Don
FYI; Glen is out next week.
Status UpdateArthur - still narrowing down the production issue with
MbedTLS dropping connections. Has been testing with updated JVM,
matching whats on stage as well as adjusting the heap, TCP stack on
the server.
Paul - Able to use Jenkins Plugin showing some results with that.
Able to see 6000+ issues reported. This is quite large and that
number needs to be tuned/filtered down into something manageable
that ARM is concentrating on. Paul also needs to know the # of
configurations this should be run on. Need more insight from ARM
on that as it may impact performance.
Other priorities in Queue
Dan Handley sent in a Jira ticket
<https://linaro.atlassian.net/browse/TFC-308>) ClickJacking
vulnerability. Resolved
TF-M flash testing. Start using more FVP vs hardware. Some
issue with log files are not available (see:
<https://linaro.atlassian.net/browse/TFC-195>) need them for FVP
Would migrating things over to FVP cause backups in Queues?
This could be a phase in issue. Doing it on nightly, vs per
patch. Team should be aware of this happening as they may see
queues start to back up.
Don, met with Hauke. Going to create a few tickets. Looking at
this https://tf.validation.linaro.org/scheduler/
<https://tf.validation.linaro.org/scheduler/>it was hard to know
what tests were running on what board, and some of the
descriptions was pretty cryptic. Don will log a few tickets on
this issue.
Summary of F2F meeting w/ TF & Linaro Systems team. Discussion
on potential CI infrastructure upgrades, Toolchains,
resourcing. Joanna has interest in other more recent FVP
models, beta state (early availability) and would like to see
about getting some of this working. The access should be
available to the testing, but not available to the general public.
Linaro <http://www.linaro.org>
Glen Valante | /Sr. Technical Program Manager/
T: +1.508.517.3461 <tel:1617-320-5000>
glen.valante(a)linaro.org <mailto:glen.valante@linaro.org> | Skype:
gvalante <callto:gvalante>
*August 2nd*
Attendees: Xinyu, Ben, Anton, Glen
* FYI; Holidays - Lots of people are out the next few week. We can
have the meetings and address any issue.
* Status Update
o Arthur
+ Working on TFC-129 mbedtls Windows build node in Production.
Various debugging found an error in the logs -
"java.io.EOFException". Looking into this
o Paul
+ expanding the Prototype job; its now a jenkins matrix job
for 2 TF-A configurations. This can be extended to more
configurations and will need to get feedback from ARM on how
many configurations will be needed based on the performance.
+ Worked with Kelly to make sure that AWS-based private docker
repo works as expected, and switched the prototype to it
o Further investigation on ECLAIR Jenkins plugin - investigation
with Bugseng. Getting Java Exceptions, need to debug.
* Other priorities in the Queue
o Dan Handley sent in a Jira ticket
(https://linaro.atlassian.net/browse/TFC-308) ClickJacking
vulnerability. Ben is on the issue, talking to Philip in IT.
o No other topics
Linaro <http://www.linaro.org>
Glen Valante | /Sr. Technical Program Manager/
T: +1.508.517.3461 <tel:1617-320-5000>
glen.valante(a)linaro.org <mailto:glen.valante@linaro.org> | Skype:
gvalante <callto:gvalante>
July 26th
Attendees: Don, Shebu, Matteo, Xinyu, Ben, Anton, Antonio
Don: Follow up with Paul on open tickets vs MISRA enablement Update:
Update from Paul below. .
Don: Ask for update on TFC-129 from Arthur. Update: update from Arthur
Status Update
MbedTLS; After the Production Upgrade, Windows build nodes still
have issues. Currently looking at other debug techniques - disabling
the ping thread
<https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Remoting+issue>. Note
problem does not occur on Stage. As part of debug, a rebuilt AMI that
removed Windows defender has helped performance.
TFC-75: Repositories synchronization based on Gerrit topics; need
1+ week to resolve
TFC-275 Enable TF-A tests on Chromebook
Paul - “Over the last week, I worked on prototyping an actual
Docker image to run ECLAIR processing in our Jenkins (on
staging). My focus
was trying to go as "deep" as possible,trying to identify any possible
issues or contingencies. I'm glad to report that it worked
largely well, in
articular, there was no further issues with the license
server, everything
works as expected (at least by me). Already somewhat cleaned
up version of
my prototype job is available at:
https://ci.staging.trustedfirmware.org/job/pfalcon-tf-a-eclair/ “
TFC-7 Code Coverage - Last task is Docs - PR
Background tasks - TFC-191, TFC-193, TFC-263 are Pauls self-posted
"background" task.
Other priorities in the Queue
TFC-247: Mirror TF-M, TF-A, TS projects into GitHub - Arthurs next
TFC-222: Make sure someone at higher level is working to provide a
work-around for the “click-thru” constraints. Moved this issue to
Blocked. Need to go back to Linaro management to get progress
as this was
being addressed at a higher level.
Hello All,
The server will be offline to start a maintenance window on 2022-07-22 at
20:00 UTC. Jenkins will be put into "Shutdown Mode" at 2022-07-22 18:00
UTC to stop accepting new jobs and allow executing tasks to complete.
This downtime is required to add a plugin to Jenkins to support new
functionality required for a service being developed. The version of
Jenkins and the plugins currently being run will not be changing.
Emails will be sent prior to and following the upgrade to provide status
Start: 2022 07-22 18:00 UTC
End: 2022-07-22 22:00 UTC
Kelley Spoon <kelley.spoon(a)linaro.org>
July 19th
Attendees: Don, Shebu, Matteo, Xinyu, Ben, Anton, Antonio
Don: Follow up with Paul on open tickets vs MISRA enablement Update: Don
sent inquiry to Paul. Will update once we sync up.
Don: Ask for update on TFC-129 from Arthur. Update: Don sent inquiry to
Arthur, will update once I hear back.
MISRA Enablement
Licence server up and running. Allows Paul to leverage a licence
locally to advance on his work. It’s quite easy to break. It has secure
storage - if tampered, it breaks the licence server. Requires Bugseng to
fix when it breaks. No security - open to internet.
Next steps - Paul starting to get Jenkins agent images built.
Eclair should be enabled on staging server and Paul can then
move forward.
Ticket TFC-285 is systems work
Paul on TFC-287 in Milestone 2
Blocker Review
Only one blocker - on Kelley’s plate TFC-236
Want to make sure Paul status is understood and focus on the open
tickets vs MISRA.
Don: Follow up with Paul on open tickets vs MISRA enablement
MBed TLS windows issue status - TFC-129, Arthur may have found root
Don: Ask for update on this ticket from Arthur.
Assigned TFC-275 to Arthur - moved to SC Approved (Enable Google Tests)
July 12th
Attendees: Don, Anton, Ben, Glen, Xinyu, Shebu, Matteo
Infrastructure upgrade completed. No issues so far.
Testing on mbed TLS is currently passing; windows platform was failing
TFC-297 - Monitoring jobs that are waiting for jobs to come back from
Updating the web site that goes to read the docs. Once the link is
available, Don can update docs.
Misra - License server. Issues with trying to get the license server
running on Docker, but cant run on a headless server.
Meeting setup for Thursday. Still waiting for the detachable
license. If no progress happens this week, please escalate to
Meeting w/ Team - Ben, Kelley & Paul tomorrow. Focus on ways to pull
schedule in.
Issue - TFC-299 Gerret Account Issue - Kelley Spoon
<kelley.spoon(a)linaro.org> has that issue and will be on line shortly.
Adding the ST Board, still blocked on awaiting for the PDU hardware.
Blockers - 4 blockers, awaiting testing on the updated Production.
Expect these should close when testing is completed.
Glen on Holiday next week.
Joanna out until early August, contact Matteo with any TF-A related