Attendees: Matteo, Don, Joanna, Dave R, Anton, Glen, Ben C
Boards - Theo is in UK; working with lab team this week. SuzyQ cable delivered to Lab. -
TF-A Doc Generator; close out issue next week. -
Working on TF Slide -
MBed TLS teams meeting weekly now to keep aligned on progress -
Arthur beginning work on FreeBSD AMI. -
From the lab, any updates? -
Working with paul w/ staging broken for a bit. Kelly is going to resume the upgrade on stage. Important - node name master - TF-A & TF-M define the nodename and change that to “build”. Timeframe? Will send out email for reviews and the days for the maintenance. Targeting for this weekend/next weekend. -
TF-A & TF-M releases are target for April. -
Few juno’s are off line, looking to get them back on line. They are seeing jobs stuck on juno’s with bad usb memory cards. -
Ben to reach out to dean arnold to see if this can help. - -
Ticket TFC-237 Questions from TF-A team on how credentials/tokens. Will ask Arthur to look into this, and include kelly for any feedback. -
Joanna will pass on slides for Misra review for the board meeting.