Hi All,
Please find the meeting minutes from yesterday below
Attendees: Joanna, Don, Antonio, Ben, Glen, Xinyu, Shebu, Matteo, Dan Handley
Upgrade for Production has been pushed to July 5th. Arthur She arthur.she@linaro.org is on holiday and it makes sense to have him back for testing. -
Lab Hardware - Back boards? -
Lab team has asked if there are any MPS boards? -
AI: Anton to see about getting 1-2 spares -
Recent issue TFC-293 https://linaro.atlassian.net/browse/TFC-293 - Flakey stm32l562e -
Arthur has 2 and will ship them when he returns home at the end of July. -
Joanna - is anyone doing anything with the Chrome Books. -
Google should be creating boot tests and any other tests they would like. AI: Don to follow up with Julian about setting up tests. Also bring up at the board meeting. (Shebu brought up w/ NXP in the past.) -
Jira https://linaro.atlassian.net/browse/TFC-275 logged for what needs to be setup. -
Shebu - Its the partners responsibility to enable the testing. -
Juno’s using netboot? -
If your changing the firmware, netboot will not help. -
Dean & Ben to follow up with a discussion about the details, may be able to reduce the frequency of -
mbedTLS -
Shebu - Hosting mbedtls website content in tf.org -
Old company removed all content, new company will need to redeploy. -
Dean - Is it possible to migrate MbedTLS to TF.org domain? -
TF is all hosted off GitHub ( https://github.com/TrustedFirmwareWebsite/website ) -
Current: https://www.trustedfirmware.org/projects/mbed-tls/ -
There is legacy content, knowledge base for coding style, examples. -
Ben - convert the content as a pull request. -
Shebu - readthedocs is more of a long term, short term is just to drop it in somewhere. -
Old Site - https://github.com/Mbed-TLS/polarssl_site (Private) -
Blockers - cleaned up. 1 waiting for Paul to get back, 4 waiting on Production update -
Misra - Updated Plan Milestones w/ dates.