Attendees: Don, Xinyu, Fathi, Ben, Joanna, Shebu, Matteo
- TFC-46, Boards in the Lab. being built out. LAVA upgrade is also being completed. Should be up by the end of the week. - *Action: Don* follow up with Scott on TFC-4 to see if any progress made - Arthur is on TFC-45 - Not much progress except on the boards. No clear view. - Some progress made on TFC-92 - *Don: Follow up *on where else progress has been made - NXP hardware shipped to Arther. - *Don to reach out to Cypress* and let them know their about to lose their place in the queue. Also status on hardware they want. - TFC-36 blocked by TFC-102 that looks to be complete. Can it be closed? - Check on TFC-7 to see how close this is - Ben: LSS-2262, TF-M CI being slow. Tied to Arm Clang being slow in Docker container. Arm Toolchain team has reproduced this in Arm Clang - Ben: TFC-92 - Split into two pieces. 1 push 1 pull. Made progress this week.