Attendees: Joanna, Don, Antonio, Ben, Glen, Xinyu, Shebu, Matteo, Dan Handley
Code Coverage: Closed? -
Joanna: Was a bug, thought Paul fixed - will verify. -
Xinyu: CC broken in TF-M. -
Glen: -
Paul on Holiday this week. -
Next week, Monday, updating Prod to mirror Stage. 27th. Kelley will post -
Arthur will be on holiday 28th to the 4th. Verify 27th is still a good date for the update w/ Arthur’s update. -
ECLAIRE Next Steps -
Don acquired of licenses (detachable) -
M0 - Planning done, ~30 staff weeks total remaining. -
Majority of work is Paul (16-18 staff months). -
Systems side is 12-14 staff weeks. -
Will Paul have time for other tasks? -
Arthur will be available full time w/ no additional h/w in the queue. -
Table didn’t have time view. How much can be done in Parallel? Will it be done by October? Start putting in dates? -
Glen add dates to milestones -
Also define plan for what Arthur can complete this 6 month technology -
Don: Blocker review -
TFC-9: Move back to backlog. Contact? Linaro Security team. -
TFC-16: Already have TF-247. Close TFC-16 as duplicate -
TFC-17: TF-M. Antonio, already have a way to test per patch. Close TFC-17 as OBE. Ping Anton first -
TFC-18: Move to bottom of backlog per Shebu -
Remaining blockers tied to Production upgrade, so should remain
Matteo: Compiler Licenses have been extended. -
Forwarding note from Paul Black.
Action: Let board know there is no Open CI h/w backlog at this time.