June 7th
Attendees: Joanna, Anton, Don, Ben, Glen, Xinyu, Shebu, Matteo, Dave Rodgman
Action Items:
Action: Don to find Friday’s Bugseng meeting minutes and get them sent out. -
Sent out via email - 6/1 Re: Bugseng meeting last Friday?
Linaro - Orginazation meetings next week 13th - 17th; People are out. Paul is on holiday for 20th - 25th -
Upgrade for Production & Stage Jenkins -
Stage has been Updated -
TF-A/M has completed release, will not need anything for about 6 months -
Kelley is not in SFO, and will be monitoring -
Issue with Multi-Job plugin, its deprecated, and may need to move to something new. -
Target for 27th of June. -
TFC-260 Mbed TLS running slow - there are two things; bug in the docker driver or the kernel version. -
This work will happen after the Jenkins update has occurred. -
Compiler issue with down -
Send email to Matteo Carlini matteo.carlini@arm.com and Shebu on what the issue is and he can send this up to his management. -
MISRA Milestone status; Document is under Review, will provide the Milestones when available. -
Email of various issue from Matteo - need to assign ARM issue to Joanna -
Ran out of time… we have blockers that need a review, some are old. Agreed that some of these may be OBE(overcome by events), but need to review and make sure any blockers are being worked.