August 22nd
Attendees: Xinyu, Don, Glen, Ben, Matteo.
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ACTION: Joannato put a short email note together on the agreements in the meeting and send to Paul, and team
Status Update
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Docs TFC-313; awaiting for review from Joanna
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MbedTLS, (TFC-129 https://linaro.atlassian.net/browse/TFC-129)- still having issues with Windows Node, Ben suggests could change the zone of the windows server to EU launch. Have reached out to Ryan Arnold for some resources to review the issue. Going to halt efforts on this till other Linaro technical resources return from Holiday.
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Meeting w/ Joanna; working on Misra Guidelines.
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Rack is currently being setup, Lab team is on holiday this week.
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Xinzha, any update on TFC-195? Will have arthur look into this.
Resources for the next year, awaiting to see answers from the meeting. Awaiting Tim to get back from vacation.