Attendees: Don, Ben, Anton, Xinyu, Antonio, Anton K, Shebu, Glen, Dave R, Matteo
Action Items:
Glen: Setting up sync with Bugseng to review MISRA planning doc. Done
Meeting w/ Paul & Fathi last week -
Awaiting review/response from ARM; Joanna reviewed this morning. A couple of comments, will share. -
Shebu: Should not start until a milestone review -
Matteo: Would like to see Arthur and Paul on other tasks. Need to see milestones laid out. -
Would TF-M, and other following be able to leverage work done by TF-A efforts? -
Don: yes, expect a reasonable amount of reuse. -
Share document w/ Anton. -
Would like to review this with Bugseng. -
Update the document w/ the estimates after sync w/ Bugseng -
MBed TLS -
Merged Windows changes last week, in monitoring mode for next month. -
Will start some more accurate infrastructure cost is -
Dave: Things seem good and performant. -
TF-M -
PSA tests. Paul is blocked by license. Follow up with Anton -
Ticket 268 - configure test cover, simple low hanging. If this can be done quickly, that would be helpful