May 31
Attendees: Xinyu, Shebu, Don, Dave Rodgman, Matteo, Anton
Action Items:
Action: Don to find Friday’s Bugseng meeting minutes and get them sent out.
Shebu: Update on Bugseng topic -
Don to see where the meeting minutes are. -
Joanna: *TFC-270*. Some can use it, one developer can’t. Work to clear this. -
Joann: A false positive bug in release. Fails in LAVA but not rolled up. *TFC-269*. Now recurs. -
MISRA Document -
Joanna has reviewed, Madhu commented, Sandrine still to walk thru and provide comments. -
Anton: *TFC-268* would be helpful to get done, should be small since a folder has been excluded. -
Anton: All MPS2 board in Maintenance. *TFC-271* -
Don moved all four tickets above to SC Approved