*August 2nd* Attendees: Xinyu, Ben, Anton, Glen
* FYI; Holidays - Lots of people are out the next few week. We can have the meetings and address any issue. * Status Update o Arthur + Working on TFC-129 mbedtls Windows build node in Production. Various debugging found an error in the logs - "java.io.EOFException". Looking into this o Paul + expanding the Prototype job; its now a jenkins matrix job for 2 TF-A configurations. This can be extended to more configurations and will need to get feedback from ARM on how many configurations will be needed based on the performance. + Worked with Kelly to make sure that AWS-based private docker repo works as expected, and switched the prototype to it o Further investigation on ECLAIR Jenkins plugin - investigation with Bugseng. Getting Java Exceptions, need to debug. * Other priorities in the Queue o Dan Handley sent in a Jira ticket (https://linaro.atlassian.net/browse/TFC-308) ClickJacking vulnerability. Ben is on the issue, talking to Philip in IT. * AOB o No other topics