July 5th
Attendees: Joanna, Don, Anton, Ben, Glen, Xinyu, Shebu, Matteo
Action Items: -
AI: Anton to see about getting 1-2 spares MPS boards -
Boards processed - and should be in progress to be sent. -
Anton - boards have been shipped and should be in Cambridge. Says they arrived in July 1st. -
STG-3444 https://linaro.atlassian.net/browse/STG-3444 Lab has received the board, found another one and will setup 2 boards as spares. -
AI: Don to follow up with Julius about setting up tests. -
Don to send out email - done.
New issues with another STM -03 board. -
AI: Glen to reach out to ST and see about getting additional boards. -
They have new tests that do not use the flash. Antonio De Angelis Antonio.DeAngelis@arm.com is changing the tests to only run the test once a day, not every test. -
Upgrade to production today. -
No news as of meeting, Kelley Spoon kelley.spoon@linaro.org is not online today. -
Misra -
Systems team has license server almost up. They currently have this in docker and we’re still waiting for the actual licenses. After that, build the jenkins image. -
Get a weekly meeting with Ben and Paul. -
AI: Glen to setup this meeting -
TFC-295 - Ben - will dispatch ticket -
Docker Images, load still seems quite bad. -
Killing TF-A jobs and the loads get higher. The FVP jobs are working ok, but there are jobs that are jamming up the queue. The queue is going down, but pretty slowly. -
Seeing a lot of jobs, not finishing very quickly. -
Seeing some FVP jobs go into an infinity loop as they have no time out. -
Ben will put the queue in maintenance and clear out the jobs. -
All blockers are currently related to an infrastructure upgrade.