Attendees: Don, Karl, Ben C, Anton, Shebu, Fathi, Joanna
- TF-M 1.3, Already in master. - Review KanBan - Glen Status: - Leonardo - Gaps is be close to complete - Arthur working on TFC-28 - TFC-37: LSS-2136 - Joanna: No longer seeing any issues. Should we send a post to users to make them aware or just wait? - Ben C: Sanitized all comments (including closed) from when it started to when it was resolved. - All repos? - Yes - Root cause - Gerrit git rep head was out of date. Came from the AWS to Dedicated server migration. - Joanna: Leave open one more week and then close if no more issues. - SC Approved column - Expect scripts is top priority. TFC-36 - Joanna: Since using a LAVA Monitor, need to be revisited. - TFC-36 - broken into 3 parts. - Dependent upon multiple UART. Can start but not finish. - Joanna: Board meeting may be discussing TF-A going live. - TFC-31 needs to be completed in order to go live - *Action*: *Leonardo* to put time estimates in TFC-40,41, & 42 - *Action: Don* add ST Ticket to backlog. Done - - Shebu: Anything else blocking? - Karl: No current blockers. TFC-34 causing intermittent failures. - Fathi: Since in backlog, not being worked. - Shebu: recommend continuing to monitor.