*Attendees*: Joanna, Xinyu, Matteo, Janos, Glen, Riku, Shebu, Anton, Ben, Don
- Glen: Follow up on notes - Glen: Set up sync meeting to hear Riku/Leonardo/Anton/Joanna on proposing a solution on the git clone performance issue.
- Glen: TFC Kanban board review - Glen: Chromebooks stuck in customs - working paperwork now - Glen: Cypress & NXP platforms both underway - Glen: Performance issues update: (TFC-171, 172, 164) - Ben: Limited CI Number of jobs to help relieve a performance issue. - Riku: Impact - slower builds. - Anton: were we testing on staging? - Ben: No - Should we allocate resources to work on performance? - Joanna: Would work on server scaling versus Expect scripts - Riku: TF-M build, launches over 100 builds, then git clones turn into 400 simultaneous git clones - need to re-factor to do clone up front. - Riku/Leonardo - 1-2 week estimate - Anton has some ideas - sync w/ him on potential solution. Once agreed, begin the work. - Glen: Meeting set up for tomorrow to discuss code coverage state and how Arm might be able to help.