Reviewed Kanban,
- Glen: TFC-31 and 25: Patches out and waiting for validation. - TFC-23: User Guide ported to markdown - TF-4: Enable mbedTLS. Meetings planned to break the task down. - TFC-46: Once ST boards received, have Arthur verifying locally, then move to LAVA lab. - Sending first two boards. ST will send the final three soon. - Joanna: Any TF-A boards? - No, but Chromebooks next in board enablement queue - Glen: Working to provide multiple tasks to the team to prevent idle time - TFC-36 - Support expect Logic, making progress now but could be a few weeks. - TFC-7: Code Coverage. - Joanna, OK with priorities, but TF-A would like TFC-36 first if doesn't create issues with other teams. - Joanna: Tech Forum from last week. Might see server load pickup as teams begin to leverage the OpenCI. Another MISRA tool was mentioned - Regarding small tasks. Let's plan to make tickets for that. Now that tickets coming thru TFC, need to have a quick way to process these and hand off to infrastructure team. - Agreed that no OpenCI mail list exists, so will create one. - Anton: TF-M release last Friday - went very smooth.