- Anton: Thanks for the new URL, Riku. System even works faster - Action for Don to update the website. - https://projects.linaro.org/browse/LSS-2257 contains the urls. - Anton: Riku, asked for performance debug contact in cloud team. - Riku: Seeing Arm compiler take too long in App space and need to debug. - LSS-2262 - Don: TFC-4: Lay out plan for mBedTLS and get breakdown. - Matteo: How is ST board going? - Fathi: LAVA release has been updated. Now ready to deploy the ST Board. - Ben: Lab is updating LAVA this week, and then the board will be in. - Don: Arthur is now focused on ChromeOS - LSS-2240 is tracking this final step - Matteo: Should Backlog, be reviewed? - Moved Disaster Recovery to SC Approved - Would require some support from Systems team (Riku). - TFC-7 Code Coverage - Good to get out of the way if only a few days of work. - Moved up in the priority - TFC-45 Chromebook - moved above expect scripts as well - TFC-92 - Discussion - Matteo: Thinking this could ease the work on TFC-5 and others. Because team has to create docker images - Fathi: Need to document how to use for external contributors. - Joanna: Then the dev team could do some of this. - Moved to Approve above TFC-82 - So summary - Finish TFC-7, complete mBedTLS estimates, then pick up DR (TFC-88), then document the plans for TFC-92