Sept 27th
Attendees: Don, Scott, Dave R, Glen, Matteo, Shebu, Anton, Joanna
* *
- Paul back from Holiday
- Will be looking into Misra next steps - migrating to production.
- Sync meeting w/ Paul, Ben, Kelley later this week - looking for schedule
- Joanna: Team is sharing that it seems good and ready to scale out.
- Arthur on Holiday this week
- TFC-75; Implemented and merged.
- Next Up - TFC-247 Mirror TF-M, TF-A, TS projects into GitHub. Will also be clearing up a Chromebook serial port inconsistency.
- Lab Issues
- Rack still being built out
- ST Boards have issues w/ SD dip switches that prevent instrumentation for automated flash/boot.
- Joanna - progress on TFC-213. Talking to other models team, more in the next few weeks.
- Matteo
- TF-A - discussions w/ Google & NVidia. For CI, Likely to start detaching a LTS branch.
- Linaro should look into the impact, logistics of adding this branch.
- New branch will likely have a small amount of patches, and will add an additional nightly run at the most. Should have minimal impact on overall performance.
- Scott - Nothing new, looking at the Jira Board
- Shebu - question about doing Misra work for TF-M? TF-M is something we would work on after TF-A
- Mbed-TLS:
- Performance feedback is mixed, Usable. Reliable.
- Bence is looking at coverity
- Dave to follow up with Bence prior to next week
- Anton: TF-M End of November. Freeze is 14th Nov. Release 30th.
- Joanna: TF-A is planning for a mid November release
- OP-TEE v3.19.0 is scheduled to be released on 2022-10-14.