Attendees: Don, Glen, Joanna, Riku, Dave R, Anton, Ben C, Xinyu, Matteo
- Action: Glen to merge Shebu and Joanna's priority lists into TFC - Joanna: Gerrit labels couldn't be access labels. Created ticket TFC-196. - Anton: Need the Musca-b's updated. Also got 5 more mucsa-b's to send. - Don: Do they need set up? - Anton: Need one board w/ OTP, but need to confirm internally, so hold off. Otherwise should just work. - Ben C: TIcket? - Action: Need to create tickets - Anton: TFC-190, 183. - Glen: R-pi workers getting updated as well - Ben: Plan to get one on line today. - Xinyu - really need 2-3 Musca-b's up to run in parallel so that release isn't extended. - Glen: Meeting slot - move to Wednesday at same time? - Won't work, will investigate other possibilities - Boards advancing - MBed TLS - working thru authentication issues. - Riku: Plan to switch to new Open CI authentication - must include renaming some other jobs, but better than rewriting some MBed TLS code. Will test this on staging server first.