Sept 27th
Attendees: Don, Scott, Dave R, Glen, Matteo, Shebu, Anton, Joanna
- Paul back from Holiday
- Will be looking into Misra next steps - migrating to production.
- Sync meeting w/ Paul, Ben, Kelley later this week - looking for schedule
- Joanna: Team is sharing that it seems good and ready to scale out.
- Arthur on Holiday this week
- TFC-75; Implemented and merged.
- Next Up - TFC-247 Mirror TF-M, TF-A, TS projects into GitHub. Will
also be clearing up a Chromebook serial port inconsistency.
- Lab Issues
- Rack still being built out
- ST Boards have issues w/ SD dip switches that prevent instrumentation
for automated flash/boot.
- Joanna - progress on TFC-213. Talking to other models team, more in
the next few weeks.
- Matteo
- TF-A - discussions w/ Google & NVidia. For CI, Likely to start
detaching a LTS branch.
- Linaro should look into the impact, logistics of adding this branch.
- New branch will likely have a small amount of patches, and will add an
additional nightly run at the most. Should have minimal impact on
overall performance.
- Scott - Nothing new, looking at the Jira Board
- Shebu - question about doing Misra work for TF-M? TF-M is something
we would work on after TF-A
- Mbed-TLS:
- Performance feedback is mixed, Usable. Reliable.
- Bence is looking at coverity
- Dave to follow up with Bence prior to next week
- Anton: TF-M End of November. Freeze is 14th Nov. Release 30th.
- Joanna: TF-A is planning for a mid November release
- OP-TEE v3.19.0 is scheduled to be released on 2022-10-14.
Linaro <http://www.linaro.org>
Glen Valante | /Sr. Technical Program Manager/
T: +1.508.517.3461 <tel:1617-320-5000>
glen.valante(a)linaro.org <mailto:glen.valante@linaro.org> | Skype:
gvalante <callto:gvalante>
*Sept 12Attendees: Don, Dave R, Joanna, Shebu, Matteo, AntonShebuMinutes**
MISRA: Good progress, made it thru Milestone 3, Paul on vacation for next
two weeks. Arm devs evaluating results while he’s gone
- Joanna, has responses from Sandrine, Madhu and Joanna
* Need to resolve open toolchain licensing issues (TFC-222, TFC-198)
* Rack getting completed
- TFC-219
* Closing down MBed TLS efforts - Windows node now stable, closing
- Dave R: Now need Windows set up on all PR’s.
- ACTION: Don check to make sure CI is set up to run for all the desired
Windows test points(Nightly and PR submissions). Done on nightly’s verify
on single PR’s.
* Confirmed Windows Tests run nightly,
* UPDATE: For tests on PRs: Arthur has submitted a PR to run Windows
test on PR submissions, but the PR has yet to be approved/merged.
* Once Approved (By Bence?), will merge
- TFC-260 is related and may need to co-located some components
* Update: No response from Bence yet, but once confirmed, will move the
Linux and FreeBSD build nodes to EU region (AWS) to be co-located by region
with the Jenkins Master Node.
* TFC-75 planned to complete in Sept
* Joanna: TFC-317, raised a ~week back. May require a CI change, but would
like the team to communicate (between systems and Arthur) when a fix will
be integrated in so that all are aware.
- Don follow up w/ Arthur. Updating of squad, want to be aware in case
it fails.
- Don moved to “In Progress?”
- Don requested that the Systems team keep those involved aware when
patch will be merged
Sept 6
Attendees: Don, Anton, Xinyu, Glen, Joanna, Ben, Shebu, Matteo, Dave R,
Matteo, Shebu
Glen is on holiday Sept 12th -> 16th.
MbedTLS - Migrating the build nodes to Europe have helped. No
failures since they have moved over (5+ days as of today).
Ben notes that there is still a possibility of failure, but it
will be small <2% and it is setup to retry upon failure.
Paul out last week;
Glen to set up a meeting with Paul/Kelly/Ben. Discussion on
Jenkins agents and TFC-286 (Sent for Wednesday 9/7@ 9:00 EST)
Paul is on holiday from Sept 12th thru the 26th
Joanna - TFC-75 is needed; and on Arthurs plate. Team may do
TFC-113 and they would
Latest issue resolved TFC-195
TFC-247, migration to github status; Glen: Will be moved to Arthur
Joanna: Deploy licensing worked out?
Glen: From the Sync w/ Arm, this is on Tim’s plate to work w/
Mark Hamilton
ACTION: Don/Glen - ping Tim for status on Licensing
Joanna Tech forum about long term release (LTS). They are
reviewing the technical process. Not having discussions about
resourcing and funding will be follow on.
Don has reviewed the proposal and created some slides for the
board. Working with members to see about what it would take to
support this.
More discussion is needed by members.
Next releases for TFA/TFM - November
Linaro <http://www.linaro.org>
Glen Valante | /Sr. Technical Program Manager/
T: +1.508.517.3461 <tel:1617-320-5000>
glen.valante(a)linaro.org <mailto:glen.valante@linaro.org> | Skype:
gvalante <callto:gvalante>