July 26th
Attendees: Don, Shebu, Matteo, Xinyu, Ben, Anton, Antonio
Don: Follow up with Paul on open tickets vs MISRA enablement Update:
Update from Paul below. .
Don: Ask for update on TFC-129 from Arthur. Update: update from Arthur
Status Update
MbedTLS; After the Production Upgrade, Windows build nodes still
have issues. Currently looking at other debug techniques - disabling
the ping thread
<https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Remoting+issue>. Note
problem does not occur on Stage. As part of debug, a rebuilt AMI that
removed Windows defender has helped performance.
TFC-75: Repositories synchronization based on Gerrit topics; need
1+ week to resolve
TFC-275 Enable TF-A tests on Chromebook
Paul - “Over the last week, I worked on prototyping an actual
Docker image to run ECLAIR processing in our Jenkins (on
staging). My focus
was trying to go as "deep" as possible,trying to identify any possible
issues or contingencies. I'm glad to report that it worked
largely well, in
articular, there was no further issues with the license
server, everything
works as expected (at least by me). Already somewhat cleaned
up version of
my prototype job is available at:
https://ci.staging.trustedfirmware.org/job/pfalcon-tf-a-eclair/ “
TFC-7 Code Coverage - Last task is Docs - PR
Background tasks - TFC-191, TFC-193, TFC-263 are Pauls self-posted
"background" task.
Other priorities in the Queue
TFC-247: Mirror TF-M, TF-A, TS projects into GitHub - Arthurs next
TFC-222: Make sure someone at higher level is working to provide a
work-around for the “click-thru” constraints. Moved this issue to
Blocked. Need to go back to Linaro management to get progress
as this was
being addressed at a higher level.
Hello All,
The server will be offline to start a maintenance window on 2022-07-22 at
20:00 UTC. Jenkins will be put into "Shutdown Mode" at 2022-07-22 18:00
UTC to stop accepting new jobs and allow executing tasks to complete.
This downtime is required to add a plugin to Jenkins to support new
functionality required for a service being developed. The version of
Jenkins and the plugins currently being run will not be changing.
Emails will be sent prior to and following the upgrade to provide status
Start: 2022 07-22 18:00 UTC
End: 2022-07-22 22:00 UTC
Kelley Spoon <kelley.spoon(a)linaro.org>
July 19th
Attendees: Don, Shebu, Matteo, Xinyu, Ben, Anton, Antonio
Don: Follow up with Paul on open tickets vs MISRA enablement Update: Don
sent inquiry to Paul. Will update once we sync up.
Don: Ask for update on TFC-129 from Arthur. Update: Don sent inquiry to
Arthur, will update once I hear back.
MISRA Enablement
Licence server up and running. Allows Paul to leverage a licence
locally to advance on his work. It’s quite easy to break. It has secure
storage - if tampered, it breaks the licence server. Requires Bugseng to
fix when it breaks. No security - open to internet.
Next steps - Paul starting to get Jenkins agent images built.
Eclair should be enabled on staging server and Paul can then
move forward.
Ticket TFC-285 is systems work
Paul on TFC-287 in Milestone 2
Blocker Review
Only one blocker - on Kelley’s plate TFC-236
Want to make sure Paul status is understood and focus on the open
tickets vs MISRA.
Don: Follow up with Paul on open tickets vs MISRA enablement
MBed TLS windows issue status - TFC-129, Arthur may have found root
Don: Ask for update on this ticket from Arthur.
Assigned TFC-275 to Arthur - moved to SC Approved (Enable Google Tests)
July 12th
Attendees: Don, Anton, Ben, Glen, Xinyu, Shebu, Matteo
Infrastructure upgrade completed. No issues so far.
Testing on mbed TLS is currently passing; windows platform was failing
TFC-297 - Monitoring jobs that are waiting for jobs to come back from
Updating the web site that goes to read the docs. Once the link is
available, Don can update docs.
Misra - License server. Issues with trying to get the license server
running on Docker, but cant run on a headless server.
Meeting setup for Thursday. Still waiting for the detachable
license. If no progress happens this week, please escalate to
Meeting w/ Team - Ben, Kelley & Paul tomorrow. Focus on ways to pull
schedule in.
Issue - TFC-299 Gerret Account Issue - Kelley Spoon
<kelley.spoon(a)linaro.org> has that issue and will be on line shortly.
Adding the ST Board, still blocked on awaiting for the PDU hardware.
Blockers - 4 blockers, awaiting testing on the updated Production.
Expect these should close when testing is completed.
Glen on Holiday next week.
Joanna out until early August, contact Matteo with any TF-A related
Hello All,
The server will be offline to start a maintenance window on 2022-07-08 at
01:00 UTC. Jenkins will be put into "Shutdown Mode" at 2022-07-07 23:00
UTC to stop accepting new jobs and allow executing tasks to complete.
This downtime is required to execute an upgrade to Jenkins 2.332.3. The
upgrade will address several security advisories for Jenkins core and its
plugins and will also bring the server to feature parity with staging.
Emails will be sent prior to and following the upgrade to provide status
Start: 2022 07-08 01:00 UTC
End: 2022-07-08 03:00 UTC
Kelley Spoon <kelley.spoon(a)linaro.org>
July 5th
Attendees: Joanna, Don, Anton, Ben, Glen, Xinyu, Shebu, Matteo
Action Items:
AI: Anton to see about getting 1-2 spares MPS boards
Boards processed - and should be in progress to be sent.
Anton - boards have been shipped and should be in Cambridge. Says
they arrived in July 1st.
STG-3444 <https://linaro.atlassian.net/browse/STG-3444> Lab has
received the board, found another one and will setup 2 boards
as spares.
AI: Don to follow up with Julius about setting up tests.
Don to send out email - done.
New issues with another STM -03 board.
AI: Glen to reach out to ST and see about getting additional boards.
They have new tests that do not use the flash. Antonio De Angelis
<Antonio.DeAngelis(a)arm.com> is changing the tests to only run the
test once a day, not every test.
Upgrade to production today.
No news as of meeting, Kelley Spoon <kelley.spoon(a)linaro.org> is not
online today.
Systems team has license server almost up. They currently have this
in docker and we’re still waiting for the actual licenses. After that,
build the jenkins image.
Get a weekly meeting with Ben and Paul.
AI: Glen to setup this meeting
TFC-295 - Ben - will dispatch ticket
Docker Images, load still seems quite bad.
Killing TF-A jobs and the loads get higher. The FVP jobs are working
ok, but there are jobs that are jamming up the queue. The queue is going
down, but pretty slowly.
Seeing a lot of jobs, not finishing very quickly.
Seeing some FVP jobs go into an infinity loop as they have no time
Ben will put the queue in maintenance and clear out the jobs.
All blockers are currently related to an infrastructure upgrade.