Ah okay. This is the behavior we saw with the other VS generators, and why we added the check to make sure "Unix Makefiles" or "Ninja" was used. Because it sets the C compiler to MSVC, it won't correctly compile TFM (which currently only supports ARMClang, GCC, and IAR). While there are other symptoms, such as the issues with python etc, this is the main one.
I'd advise to just use -G"Unix Makefiles" (or ninja)
________________________________________ From: TF-M tf-m-bounces@lists.trustedfirmware.org on behalf of Kevin Kilzer via TF-M tf-m@lists.trustedfirmware.org Sent: 14 October 2020 18:13 To: tf-m@lists.trustedfirmware.org Subject: Re: [TF-M] Following the TF-M build example
Hi, Raef,
I can get past the CMSIS issue by dup’ing the GNU links. It now fails for lack of the correct Python.
Using the -G option, CMakeCache.txt lists all the pythons in my system and the build completes: $ grep python cmake_build/CMakeCache.txt PYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=C:/Python/Python27/python.exe FIND_PACKAGE_MESSAGE_DETAILS_Python3:INTERNAL=[C:/Users/cXXXXX/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python38-32/python.exe][cfound components: Interpreter ][v3.8.5()] _Python3_EXECUTABLE:INTERNAL=C:/Users/cXXXXX/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python38-32/python.exe
Without the -G option, the compiler is MSVC, and the cache has no entry for python at all. Building Custom Rule C:/Users/cXXXXX/Git/arm/TF-M/trusted-firmware-m/cmake_build/lib/ext/mcuboot-subbuild/CMakeLists.txt Building Custom Rule C:/Users/cXXXXX/Git/arm/TF-M/trusted-firmware-m/cmake_build/lib/ext/mcuboot-subbuild/CMakeLists.txt -- Could NOT find Python3 (missing: Python3_EXECUTABLE Interpreter) Reason given by package: Interpreter: Wrong major version for the interpreter "C:/Python/Python27/python.exe"