Hello everyone,
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to understand more about you and how we can design the technical information for your needs. For those who weren’t on the technical forum call today, here’s a summary of what these interviews are about:
We’re calling for volunteers to help us better understand who our users are and how we can improve your technical documentation journey. We’ll be conducting 45 minute – 1 hour interviews over Zoom to ask questions about your role, the tasks you perform, how you learn, and how you use our documentation. In today’s forum, Lisa Durbin (Principal Technical Content Developer) will run through the details about the interviews and how you can take part.
If you’re interested in taking part in the interviews, please do both of the following:
1. Fill out the consent form here on the Microsoft Forms sitehttps://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=eVlO89lXqkqtTbEipmIYTWl3l22BgW5BoNKKrl8z3hBUODJFNUNJWFE3U1ZCTjE4Q0ZCMkxKWjdNUS4u. 2. Book a 1 hour Zoom session with me here on the Office Bookings site.https://outlook.office.com/bookwithme/user/5b86408b60db4f51ba9459930fbc64a3@arm.com/meetingtype/A0fUGI_ZWkWe3mrWek_BPg2?bookingcode=bf7e0afd-82ef-4623-b13f-2259db64ca6d&anonymous&ep=mLinkFromTile
Please note, I’m based in Cambridge UK and my availability is during BST office hours. I’ll be running the sessions starting July 8th until September 30th, 2024.
If you have any questions or would like further information, please feel free to email me directly. Thank you again for your help.
Kind regards, Lisa Durbin
Lisa Durbin | Principal Technical Content Developer She/her CE-SW Technology Management team Cambridge