Hello Tomas,
I am trying to port TFM to IAR Embedded Workbench v8.50.5 IDE (NOT cmake) for LPC55S69. And have an error during linking in tfm\platform\ext\common\iar\tfm_common_s.icf on #include "region_defs.h": Error[Lc003]: expected ""check", "define", "do", "export", "if", "include", "initialize", "keep", "place", "reserve", or a placement label
It can be fixed by changing: #include "region_defs.h" to: include "region_defs.h"; but it creates 44 Errors [Lc003] in region_defs.h,
The IAR linker does not understand the C preprocessor directives like #ifndef, #ifdef, #endif etc. How did you solve this IAR issue? As we have to use IAR IDE (not cmake), what is your suggestion? Maybe a special IAR Linker preprocessing parameter/option?
Thank you, Andrej Butok