Hi folks,
I tried running a minimal example on the nRF9160dk. In `boot_hal_bl2.c` the following code is executed:
#ifdef FLASH_DEV_NAME result = FLASH_DEV_NAME.Uninitialize(); if (result != ARM_DRIVER_OK) { while(1) {} } #endif /* FLASH_DEV_NAME */
For the Nordic boards `Uninitialize` is not implemented (see `Driver_Flash.c`):
ARM_DRIVER_FLASH Driver_FLASH0 = { .GetVersion = NULL, .GetCapabilities = ARM_Flash_GetCapabilities, .Initialize = ARM_Flash_Initialize, .Uninitialize = NULL, .PowerControl = NULL, .ReadData = ARM_Flash_ReadData, .ProgramData = ARM_Flash_ProgramData, .EraseSector = ARM_Flash_EraseSector, .EraseChip = NULL, .GetStatus = NULL, .GetInfo = ARM_Flash_GetInfo };
This leads to a non-zero value being stored in `result` and my program ends up getting stuck in the while loop.
Is it possible to fix that?
Kind regards, Lena