It appears that ITS encryption would be required for PSA Certified Level 3. I'm seeing that this would required a platform specific HAL implementation. Is there some reason PSA Crypto APIs were not used like they were for attestation?
Encryption in ITS =================
The ITS can optionally be configured to encrypt the internal trusted storage data. To support encryption in ITS the target platform must provide an implementation of the APIs defined in ``platform/include/tfm_hal_its_encryption.h``::
enum tfm_hal_status_t tfm_hal_its_aead_generate_nonce(uint8_t *nonce, const size_t nonce_size);
enum tfm_hal_status_t tfm_hal_its_aead_encrypt( struct tfm_hal_its_auth_crypt_ctx *ctx, const uint8_t *plaintext, const size_t plaintext_size, uint8_t *ciphertext, const size_t ciphertext_size, uint8_t *tag, const size_t tag_size);
enum tfm_hal_status_t tfm_hal_its_aead_decrypt( struct tfm_hal_its_auth_crypt_ctx *ctx, const uint8_t *ciphertext, const size_t ciphertext_size, uint8_t *tag, const size_t tag_size, uint8_t *plaintext, const size_t plaintext_size);
Brian Quach SimpleLink MCU Texas Instruments Inc. 12500 TI Blvd, MS F-4000 Dallas, TX 75243 214-479-4076