I recently switched to a new MBP that ships with OS X Monterey, and on both 12.0 and 12.1 (released this week) git clone seems to be broken when you're using HTTP rather than SSH:
digital envelope routines:CRYPTO_internal:bad key length
In order to clone TF-M, I had to make the following changes.
1. Add these details to $HOME/.ssh/config (microbuilder being my github username, associated with my TF-M account):
Host trustedfirmware.org User microbuilder Hostname review.trustedfirmware.org Port 29418 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa IdentitiesOnly yes
2. Then try to clone with:
$ git clone trustedfirmware.org:/TF-M/trusted-firmware-m.git
This fails, however, since it tries to clone tf-m-tests.git, so:
3. Edit lib/ext/tf-m-tests/fetch_repo.cmake, changing:
FetchContent_Declare(tfm_test_repo GIT_REPOSITORY trustedfirmware.org:TF-M/tf-m-tests.git # GIT_REPOSITORY https://git.trustedfirmware.org/TF-M/tf-m-tests.git GIT_TAG ${TFM_TEST_REPO_VERSION} GIT_PROGRESS TRUE )
This let me at least clone TF-M until the issues with HTTP-based cloning are fixed.
Hope this is useful to someone else working on OS X natively.