The next Technical Forum is planned on Thursday, Sep 12 at 7:00-8:00 UTC (East time zone).
Please reply on this email with your proposals for agenda topics.
Recording and slides of previous meetings are here:
Best regards,
I am trying to use connection-based (instead of SFN) Crypto service with MMIOVEC, but I noticed that iovec_status is not automatically cleared so the second psa_call causes a TFM panic due to detection of a previously mapped IOVEC.
FF spec says:
In tfm_crypto_call_srv(), I see the output vecs are unmapped but not the input vectors. Should the inputs be unmapped here as well? (psa_attest_get_token also does not unmap input vecs)
status = tfm_crypto_init_iovecs(msg, in_vec, in_len, out_vec, out_len);
if (status != PSA_SUCCESS) {
return status;
/* Call the dispatcher to the functions that implement the PSA Crypto API */
status = tfm_crypto_api_dispatcher(in_vec, in_len, out_vec, out_len);
for (i = 0; i < out_len; i++) {
if (out_vec[i].base != NULL) {
psa_unmap_outvec(msg->handle, i, out_vec[i].len);
/* Write into the IPC framework outputs from the scratch */
for (i = 0; i < out_len; i++) {
psa_write(msg->handle, i, out_vec[i].base, out_vec[i].len);
Currently, to clear the connection's iovec_status, I have to call psa_close() after every psa_call() and reconnect with psa_connect() before the next psa_call() which adds overhead. Is this behavior of not automatically clearing iovec_status for connection-based services by design?
As an alternative to calling psa_unmap_invecs(), I was wondering if spm_get_connection()/spm_get_idle_connection() could be modified with the following workaround to avoid needing to close/connect:
connection = handle_to_connection(handle);
if (!connection) {
if (spm_validate_connection(connection) != PSA_SUCCESS) {
connection->iovec_status &= 0xFFFF0000; // Clear status of input vecs
/* Validate the caller id in the connection handle equals client_id. */
if (connection->msg.client_id != client_id) {
* It is a PROGRAMMER ERROR if the connection is currently
* handling a request.
if (connection->status != TFM_HANDLE_STATUS_IDLE) {
if (!(connection->service)) {
/* FixMe: Need to implement a mechanism to resolve this failure. */
Brian Quach
SimpleLink MCU
Texas Instruments Inc.
12500 TI Blvd, MS F-4000
Dallas, TX 75243
I am working on an update from TF-M 1.8.1 to TF-M 2.1.1 on a board that
uses encrypted Protected Storage. The board used is stm32 b_u585i_iot02a,
NSPE side using Zephyr OS. I want to support field updates as well for
devices already having Protected Storage objects created from NSPE. In my
case, Protected Storage is created and used by TF-M 1.8.1, and I want it to
remain functional after upgrading to TF-M 2.1.1. PS_CRYPTO_AEAD_ALG is set
to (default) PSA_ALG_GCM.
I have faced two issues with the uplift:
1. It seems commit ffd13c3 (
has changed the layout how Protected Storage objects are stored into flash.
With TF-M 2.1.1 and old PS data, PS init fails (or gets recreated if
PS_CREATE_FLASH_LAYOUT, which I don't want since then all the existing
objects would get erased). If I revert the commit (and
as not to have conflicts), then the PS initialization can pass and objects
are decrypted successfully.
I have not been able to understand this thoroughly, but at least change in
`union ps_crypto_t` struct member order is changing padding (sizeof 48 ->
40), and that in turn seems to shift at least additional data by 8 bytes
via `#define PS_NON_AUTH_OBJ_TABLE_SIZE sizeof(union ps_crypto_t)`. Is
this compatibility issue "a bug" in 2.1.1 or expected by design?
2. PS objects in 1.8.1 were storing client id to the object table entry to
implement access control (?). With 1.8.1, the client id that got stored was
-1. With 2.1.1, likely due to the Mailbox NS Agent Design Update (
non-secure requests to get an object seems to pass client ID -0x3c000000 to
the Protected Storage implementation. That is, client id -1 seems to be
transformed to `client_id_limit`. Due to this, `psa_ps_get_info()` fails to
get an object that has been previously made with 1.8.1 FW.
I am able to get reading of old stored objects working by changing
`client_id_limit` from value -0x3c000000 to -1 which changes to use 1-to-1
mapping when using client_id=-1. But I am unsure if this change causes some
unwanted side effects. Is this the correct way to gain backwards
compatibility? And if it is, would it make sense to pick
into 2.1.x branch and add a configuration flag for the 1-to-1 mapping
support without code change for backwards compatibility?
Hi TF-M Maintainers,
I am trying to build tf-m regression tests with fpu tests on for an521 and musca_s1 (I manually enable allow fpu tests for musca_s1) from Zephyr's west build. I did that by
set(CONFIG_TFM_ENABLE_FP ON) in config.cmake
set(TEST_NS_FPU ON) in tfm_test_config.cmake
But both build fails with
~/zephyr-sdk-0.16.4/arm-zephyr-eabi/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-zephyr-eabi/12.2.0/../../../../arm-zephyr-eabi/bin/ld: secure_fw/partitions/partitions/service_5/libtfm_app_rot_partition_fpu_service.a(tfm_fpu_service_test.o): in function `fpu_service_check_fp_register':
~/work/zephyrproject_adi/modules/tee/tf-m/tf-m-tests/tests_reg/test/secure_fw/suites/fpu/service/tfm_fpu_service_test.c:48: undefined reference to `dump_fp_callee'
~/zephyr-sdk-0.16.4/arm-zephyr-eabi/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-zephyr-eabi/12.2.0/../../../../arm-zephyr-eabi/bin/ld: ~/work/zephyrproject_adi/modules/tee/tf-m/tf-m-tests/tests_reg/test/secure_fw/suites/fpu/service/tfm_fpu_service_test.c:39: undefined reference to `dump_fp_callee'
~/zephyr-sdk-0.16.4/arm-zephyr-eabi/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-zephyr-eabi/12.2.0/../../../../arm-zephyr-eabi/bin/ld: ~/work/zephyrproject_adi/modules/tee/tf-m/tf-m-tests/tests_reg/test/secure_fw/suites/fpu/service/tfm_fpu_service_test.c:42: undefined reference to `populate_callee_fp_regs'
~/zephyr-sdk-0.16.4/arm-zephyr-eabi/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-zephyr-eabi/12.2.0/../../../../arm-zephyr-eabi/bin/ld: secure_fw/partitions/partitions/service_5/libtfm_app_rot_partition_fpu_service.a(tfm_fpu_service_test.o): in function `fpu_service_check_fp_register_after_ns_inturrept':
~/work/zephyrproject_adi/modules/tee/tf-m/tf-m-tests/tests_reg/test/secure_fw/suites/fpu/service/tfm_fpu_service_test.c:92: undefined reference to `fp_func_jump_template'.
I modified line 16-19 of https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/tf-m-tests/blob/a1a178d8c1f3c75763511… to below
Then, it starts building successfully. Is there anything particular I am missing. Thank you!
My tf-m tests version is 502ea90105ee18f20c78f710e2ba2ded0fc0756e (Merge pull request #11 from tomi-font/update_2.1.1)for https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/tf-m-tests.
Best regards,
We’re developing a platform using TF-M and would like to get some clarity on using FPU on Secure and Non-Secure side. The idea is to let NS application decide if it wants to use FPU.
Currently, we are enabling CONFIG_TFM_ENABLE_FP which means we’re setting CPACR.CP10, CPACR.CP11 and enabling NSACR.CP10, NSACR.CP11.
With this configuration:
1. Is it okay if SE perform some FP operation which would set CONTROL.FPCA and return to NSE (CPACR_NS.CP10 and CPACR_NS.CP11 are not set) while CONTROL.FPCA is still set?
2. With the above configuration, if NSE wants to use FPU, it simply needs to enable CPACR_NS.CP10 and CPACR_NS.CP11. Is this correct?
3. If SE doesn’t require FPU, we could simply enable CONFIG_TFM_ENABLE_CP10CP11 (CONFIG_TFM_ENABLE_FP is OFF) and NS app would still be able access FPU after enabling CPACR_NS bits?
4. There is a hard requirement for the -mfloat-abi to be consistent for S, NS and all the static libraries used?
Thank you in advance!
Saurabh Jain
Hi all,
I have found this interesting repo repo https://github.com/Linaro/freertos-ota-pal-psa
I was wondering whether this is official PSA FW UPDATE API support for FreeRTOS, and is it still supported/maintained?
Bohdan Hunko
Cypress Semiconductor Ukraine
Mobile: +38099 50 19 714
I have been trying to test the initial attestation feature using the regression build for a platform that we are developing. TF-M small profile has been configured, which enables symmetric key-based attestation. On running the regression tests, the TFM_NS_ATTEST_TEST_2001 testcase fails.
On further debugging, I found that the static buffer that mbedtls uses for its allocation is not sufficient (
CRYPTO_ENGINE_BUF_SIZE = 0x400 in small profile). When I increase the buffer size to 0x500, the testcase passes.
Therefore, I wanted to know if this change needs to be adopted upstream or if I might be overlooking something on my end. Any leads in this regard would be helpful.
Hi Team,
Thanks for you helps. This this time I want to know how does PPC functions will be called from application to set a possible feature? The question is how PPC functions are exposed to outside world? I know we have a common ARM API in under platform/ext/driver/Driver_PPC.h
I am mapping my PPCs to this API, however wondering how they might be called that refer to my specific PPCs ? I am not using the ARM naming for my PPCs drivers, for example not using the name Driver_AHB_PPCEXP0 (using the name Driver_APB_PPCBASE0). Thank you again.
Hi all,
I am getting to know the TF-M, yet I do not understand the following comment and code where ROM (Read Only) is mentioned and its address used to store Code Data (flash_layout.h)!! Can someone help me understand this better? Thanks
/* Use flash memory to store Code data */
#define S_ROM_ALIAS_BASE (0x10000000)
#define NS_ROM_ALIAS_BASE (0x00000000)