With our documentation growing, and more people contributing to it, it is quite essential to start a discussion on some basic commonly accepted rules about the format of choice.
Restructured text allows you to achieve similar looking results using multiple approaches, but this makes it harder for tools like Sphinx to render properly, since the rendering template can be applied on per project basis, not on a per file basis.
I took the liberty of investigating the existing documentation, and mostly looking for top level headers which can be done by using either
This is a top-level header
# Reference docs:
# design_documents/tfm_its_service.rst
# design_documents/secure_boot_hw_key_integration.rst
# Reference docs:
# user_guides/tfm_secure_boot.rst
# user_guides/tfm_user_guide.rst
This is a top level header
# Reference docs:
# design_documents/tfm_its_service.rst
# design_documents/secure_boot_hw_key_integration.rst
Since we are looking for the path of least resistance, I would like to propose that we follow the format the majority of document uses.This is the format used in `user_guides/tfm_user_guide.rst<https://git.trustedfirmware.org/trusted-firmware-m.git/plain/docs/user_guid…>` .
When writing a document and coming across a requirement that has not been defined yet, we should be aiming for compliance with official Python guidelines<https://devguide.python.org/documenting/#style-guide> which is the most commonly used notation.
The following rules should be considered:
1. H1 document title headers should be expressed by # with over-line (rows on top and bottom) of the text
2. Only ONE H1 header should allowed per document, ideally placed on top of the page.
3. H2 headers should be expressed by * with over-line
4. H2 header's text should be UNIQUE in per document basis
5. H3 headers should be expressed by a row of '='
6. H4 headers should be expressed by a row of '-'
7. H3 and H4 headers have no limitation about naming. They can have similar names on the same document, if they have different parents.
8. H5 headers should be expressed by a row of '^'
9. H5 headers will be rendered in document body but not in menus on the navigation bar.
10. Do not go deeper than 5 level of heading
11. When writing guide, which are expected to be able to be readable by command line tools, it would be best practice to add long complicated tables, and UML diagrams in the bottom of the page and using internal references(auto-label). See the current version of the `/user_guides/tfm_sw_requirement.rst<https://git.trustedfirmware.org/trusted-firmware-m.git/plain/docs/user_guid…>` and the proposed patch<https://review.trustedfirmware.org/c/trusted-firmware-m/+/2456>
Please let me know if you have any questions/objection or proposals or new rules you would like to be considered.
I am trying to look at into the svcall logics and found if we keep using the switch/case would make it hard to abstract this logic for different configurations.
Thinking to move this static defined svc codes into an array-based function table. The pros are, the svc code set for different configurations is configurable, we don't need any #ifdef inside the svc numbers but rely on the configuration provided svc headers, and these headers are used inside configuration logic. And the overall svcall logic does not need to know the exact number definition but just do a f[num].func() call. The cons... I think the only thing is table may be out of date and cause a potential problem? or some function has only <4 parameter but we have to define a f(a0,a1,a2,a3) type function and fill extra parameter as zeros?
This won't improve the execution efficiency if the svc numbers are continuous since compiler uses 'TBB' to create a mapping table while processing switch/case, so we can skip this point while talking pros.
Welcome to comment or propose patches for this.
Hi Alan,
I have one question, why the SPE needs restored to its IDLE state prior to a thread pre-empting NS interrupt occurring?
About a secure interrupt is configured with a lower priority than pendsv, I do not think it is a good idea. The pendsv is used to trigger the scheduler to switch thread. The normal interrupt process should like this:
Interrupt happen -> jump into related ISR -> do necessary process such as mask interrupt status, send even or signal to related SP. -> set pendsv to trigger scheduler -> jump out ISR -> scheduler to decide which thread to run.
In these sequences, if there are many interrupts happen at the same time, and high priority interrupt will interrupt low priority interrupt. Each ISR will trigger pendsv. But only one pendsv hander function needs to be processed.
If we set the pendsv with high priority. Each interrupt will trigger pendsv and the pendsv handler will be processed every time. It will be more complex and spend more CPU time.
Sorry that I do not know what is your detail scenario, and it will be more clear and helpful if you can provide more information.
-----Original Message-----
From: TF-M <tf-m-bounces(a)lists.trustedfirmware.org> On Behalf Of Ken Liu (Arm Technology China) via TF-M
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 3:12 PM
To: tf-m(a)lists.trustedfirmware.org
Cc: nd <nd(a)arm.com>
Subject: Re: [TF-M] [EXTERNAL] RE: secure interrupt handlng in IPC mode
Hi Alan,
I have created the cooperative scheduling doc link here for comment:
-----Original Message-----
From: DeMars, Alan <ademars(a)ti.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 10:44 AM
To: Mate Toth-Pal <Mate.Toth-Pal(a)arm.com>
Cc: tf-m(a)lists.trustedfirmware.org; nd <nd(a)arm.com>; Ken Liu (Arm Technology China) <Ken.Liu(a)arm.com>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] RE: secure interrupt handlng in IPC mode
Apart from the surprising behavior actually working to my benefit, my concern is the implications of violating the Cooperative Scheduling Rules I quoted below. The normal behavior (ie the SP running in thread mode with no exception priority when servicing a secure interrupt) seems to violate those rules. Is this a problem for the scheduler?
> On Nov 13, 2019, at 5:08 AM, Mate Toth-Pal <Mate.Toth-Pal(a)arm.com> wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> That's a quite difficult question I think.
> At first look, it seems a to be a valid thinking that a secure partition that is handling an IRQ signal should be considered as an SPE ISR.
> However implementing this seems to be a nontrivial task.
> The code in the secure partitions is organised into a single thread, that executes a while loop, calls 'psa_wait()' in every iteration, and acts on the signals returned by it.
> The phenomenon we observed with your setup was the following:
> 1. When the Handler mode interrupt handler, that had lower priority than the PendSV reenabled interrupts after setting the signal, was interrupted by the PendSV handler.
> 2. PendSV handler scheduled the partition with the interrupt signal set, and did an exception return to thread mode.
> 3. The code of the Secure partition thread started executing, in Thread mode, but with the priority of the interrupt from the first point, as that interrupt handler was interrupted before it could do exception return to acknowledge the handling of the interrupt in the NVIC.
> 4. After the partition thread code called psa_wait again, the scheduler restored the context of the interrupt handler from the first point, that handler did an exception return, and everything is 'back to normal'
> Now, if I understand properly, your proposal is to make the conditions in point 3. to be mandatory for any scheduler implementation.
> To make this happen in TF-M, all the secure interrupts should have lower priority than the PendSV handler. This is necessary so that the above detailed behaviour is valid for all the interrupts.
> The problem with this is that the SPM has no control over which signal the code of the secure partition is going to execute. So in the current design a secure partition might decide to handle a service call signal (if there is any) instead of an IRQ signal, and that would be against our intention. We might be able to modify psa_wait to return only IRQ signals if there is any active, but that would be a violation of the PSA FF spec.
> Regards,
> Mate
> From: DeMars, Alan <ademars(a)ti.com>
> Sent: 12 November 2019 17:47
> To: Mate Toth-Pal <Mate.Toth-Pal(a)arm.com>
> Cc: Ken Liu (Arm Technology China) <Ken.Liu(a)arm.com>
> Subject: RE: secure interrupt handlng in IPC mode
> You can CC the tf-m mailing list.
> From: Mate Toth-Pal [mailto:Mate.Toth-Pal@arm.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 8:02 AM
> To: DeMars, Alan
> Cc: Ken Liu (Arm Technology China)
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: secure interrupt handlng in IPC mode
> Hi Alan
> Would it be OK to you if I cc the TF-M mailing list in my answer?
> Or if you would prefer that, I can move the 'Cooperative Scheduling Rules' document to the TF-M source (in the docs folder), and you can create a patch for it in gerrit.
> Thanks,
> Mate
> From: DeMars, Alan <mailto:ademars@ti.com>
> Sent: 11 November 2019 21:05
> To: Mate Toth-Pal <mailto:Mate.Toth-Pal@arm.com>
> Cc: Ken Liu (Arm Technology China) <mailto:Ken.Liu@arm.com>
> Subject: secure interrupt handlng in IPC mode
> Hi Mate!
> I've been doing some thinking about the unexpected behavior we saw when a secure interrupt is configured with a lower priority than pendsv.
> I think the below statements in the Cooperative Scheduling Rules discussion:
> a. All of the SPE interrupts must have higher priority than NSPE
> interrupts d. A NSPE interrupt is not allowed to preempt SPE ISR must
> extend to the priority level of the SP as it services the interrupt while in thread mode.
> Otherwise the problem that these rules are meant to avoid can arise: the SPE is not completely restored to its IDLE state prior to a thread pre-empting NS interrupt occurring.
> So, rather than the behavior we witnessed being unexpected, I think it may have to be enforced.
> Is this correct thinking?
> Alan
> IMPORTANT NOTICE: The contents of this email and any attachments are confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to any other person, use it for any purpose, or store or copy the information in any medium. Thank you.
TF-M mailing list
Hi Alan,
That's a quite difficult question I think.
At first look, it seems a to be a valid thinking that a secure partition that is handling an IRQ signal should be considered as an SPE ISR.
However implementing this seems to be a nontrivial task.
The code in the secure partitions is organised into a single thread, that executes a while loop, calls 'psa_wait()' in every iteration, and acts on the signals returned by it.
The phenomenon we observed with your setup was the following:
1. When the Handler mode interrupt handler, that had lower priority than the PendSV reenabled interrupts after setting the signal, was interrupted by the PendSV handler.
2. PendSV handler scheduled the partition with the interrupt signal set, and did an exception return to thread mode.
3. The code of the Secure partition thread started executing, in Thread mode, but with the priority of the interrupt from the first point, as that interrupt handler was interrupted before it could do exception return to acknowledge the handling of the interrupt in the NVIC.
4. After the partition thread code called psa_wait again, the scheduler restored the context of the interrupt handler from the first point, that handler did an exception return, and everything is 'back to normal'
Now, if I understand properly, your proposal is to make the conditions in point 3. to be mandatory for any scheduler implementation.
To make this happen in TF-M, all the secure interrupts should have lower priority than the PendSV handler. This is necessary so that the above detailed behaviour is valid for all the interrupts.
The problem with this is that the SPM has no control over which signal the code of the secure partition is going to execute. So in the current design a secure partition might decide to handle a service call signal (if there is any) instead of an IRQ signal, and that would be against our intention. We might be able to modify psa_wait to return only IRQ signals if there is any active, but that would be a violation of the PSA FF spec.
From: DeMars, Alan <ademars(a)ti.com>
Sent: 12 November 2019 17:47
To: Mate Toth-Pal <Mate.Toth-Pal(a)arm.com>
Cc: Ken Liu (Arm Technology China) <Ken.Liu(a)arm.com>
Subject: RE: secure interrupt handlng in IPC mode
You can CC the tf-m mailing list.
From: Mate Toth-Pal [mailto:Mate.Toth-Pal@arm.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 8:02 AM
To: DeMars, Alan
Cc: Ken Liu (Arm Technology China)
Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: secure interrupt handlng in IPC mode
Hi Alan
Would it be OK to you if I cc the TF-M mailing list in my answer?
Or if you would prefer that, I can move the 'Cooperative Scheduling Rules' document to the TF-M source (in the docs folder), and you can create a patch for it in gerrit.
From: DeMars, Alan <mailto:ademars@ti.com>
Sent: 11 November 2019 21:05
To: Mate Toth-Pal <mailto:Mate.Toth-Pal@arm.com>
Cc: Ken Liu (Arm Technology China) <mailto:Ken.Liu@arm.com>
Subject: secure interrupt handlng in IPC mode
Hi Mate!
I've been doing some thinking about the unexpected behavior we saw when a secure interrupt is configured with a lower priority than pendsv.
I think the below statements in the Cooperative Scheduling Rules discussion:
a. All of the SPE interrupts must have higher priority than NSPE interrupts
d. A NSPE interrupt is not allowed to preempt SPE ISR
must extend to the priority level of the SP as it services the interrupt while in thread mode.
Otherwise the problem that these rules are meant to avoid can arise: the SPE is not completely restored to its IDLE state prior to a thread pre-empting NS interrupt occurring.
So, rather than the behavior we witnessed being unexpected, I think it may have to be enforced.
Is this correct thinking?
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There are some design documents created earlier is put at wiki. Since they are useful and going to be updated later, we need to move them into source folder with rst format.
I have created an issue link for this:
The list is here (from link: https://developer.trustedfirmware.org/w/tf_m/):
Code Generation With Jinja2 (ongoing)
Cooperative Scheduling Rules (ongoing)
Inter-Processes Communication
Non-secure Client Management (ongoing)
Non-Secure Interrupt Handling (ongoing)
Secure Partition Interrupt Handling (ongoing)
Secure Storage Service
Service IPC compatibility - Attestation
Service IPC compatibility - SST
Trusted Boot
Trusted Firmware-m Isolation Level 2
Uniform Secure Service Signature (ongoing)
Some are picked up, the rest are welcome for picking up or comment!
Please check the T579 for progress and provide comments in your interested topic - if you found there are some place needs to be updated in these 'old' docs, it is a good chance to update them during the moving.
Hi Alan,
I'm following on this and will get you updated on any progress.
Best Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: TF-M <tf-m-bounces(a)lists.trustedfirmware.org> On Behalf Of DeMars, Alan via TF-M
Sent: Thursday, November 7, 2019 12:42 PM
To: Abhishek Pandit <Abhishek.Pandit(a)arm.com>
Cc: 'tf-m(a)lists.trustedfirmware.org' <tf-m(a)lists.trustedfirmware.org>
Subject: Re: [TF-M] out of tree build
Trying again after renaming tfm_parse_manifest_list.py to tfm_parse_manifest_list.txt so it wouldn't get deleted.
With the attached modified secure_fw/CMakeLists.txt and tools/tfm_parse_manifest_list.py files, I am able to redirect the generated files using the following command line:
python3 <full_path_to_your>/tfm_parse_manifest_list.py <full_path_to_your>/tfm_manifest_list.yaml <full_path_to_your>/tfm_generated_file_list.yaml <full_path_to_your>/<build_dir>
And then build the ConfigCoreIPC artifacts within <your_build_dir> using the following cmake line:
cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" -DPROJ_CONFIG=`readlink -f ../configs/ConfigCoreIPC.cmake` -DREMOTE_GEN_DIR=<full_path_to_your><build_dir> -DTARGET_PLATFORM=AN521 -DCOMPILER=GNUARM ../
The changes to tfm_parse_manifest_list.py are backward compatible with the standard usage.
-----Original Message-----
From: TF-M [mailto:tf-m-bounces@lists.trustedfirmware.org] On Behalf Of DeMars, Alan via TF-M
Sent: Monday, November 4, 2019 4:36 PM
To: Abhishek Pandit; tf-m(a)lists.trustedfirmware.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [TF-M] out of tree build
Yes, we have modified tfm_gen.py and tfm_parse_manifest_list.py to support redirecting the destination of the generated template files into a command line provided destination build directory.
A corresponding change to our platform's platform/ext/xyz.cmake file was also required to add the path to the root of the build directory to the embedded_include_directories() list as well as the paths to the generated linker command files.
I was not planning to provide these changes as a patch for review as I am very unsure of the applicability of this to other platforms. Also, I was fairly certain that given my very poor understanding of the CMake build system, my approach to the problem was not utilizing features present in CMake that would make the job simpler and more extensible.
Since the topic came up at the conference and you already seemed willing to address the out-of-tree build problem that the templates lead to, I assumed you folks would find a simple and elegant solution that would save me the embarrassment of exposing my lack of CMake expertise.
-----Original Message-----
From: Abhishek Pandit [mailto:Abhishek.Pandit@arm.com]
Sent: Monday, November 4, 2019 3:08 PM
To: DeMars, Alan; tf-m(a)lists.trustedfirmware.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: out of tree build
Hi Alan,
Not sure if I remember the exact detail from the workshop last week, but did you mention that you have a prototype for this? If so, are you planning to push a patch for review?
-----Original Message-----
From: TF-M <tf-m-bounces(a)lists.trustedfirmware.org> On Behalf Of DeMars, Alan via TF-M
Sent: 01 November 2019 16:29
To: 'tf-m(a)lists.trustedfirmware.org' <tf-m(a)lists.trustedfirmware.org>
Subject: [TF-M] out of tree build
Please modify the template generators to support out of tree build, and modify the CMake files to add the necessary include paths so that the files that include the template-generated files can find them.
TF-M mailing list
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The contents of this email and any attachments are confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to any other person, use it for any purpose, or store or copy the information in any medium. Thank you.
TF-M mailing list
Hi all,
I'm going to merge the following changes to common linker scripts to support dual-cpu platforms by the end of this week.
Those changes mainly focus on making it easier and more comfortable to configure Armv6-M/Armv7-M MPU on a dual-cpu platform.
As the changes touch the common linker scripts, I'm sorry if it affects your tasks in hand.
Please let me know if the merging concerns you or breaks any urgent task.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Hu Ziji
Hi Alan,
Currently the only way to have custom content in the platform linker config files is to create a platform specific template in the platform directory, and refer to that in the platform CMake file instead of the common one.
Although this might not be the best solution, as keeping the platform specific files up to date with the common linker config files can be an extra work.
Did you have any specific solution in mind that could handle this situation?
-----Original Message-----
From: TF-M <tf-m-bounces(a)lists.trustedfirmware.org> On Behalf Of DeMars, Alan via TF-M
Sent: 01 November 2019 14:17
To: 'tf-m(a)lists.trustedfirmware.org' <tf-m(a)lists.trustedfirmware.org>
Subject: [TF-M] extending common linker command file template
We've had to add two memory regions and section placements to the "tfm_common_s.ld.template".
Rather than polluting this "common" template, is there a way to extend the functionality so that platform-specific content can be included in the generated linker command file?
TF-M mailing list
Hi Alan,
I think the "source" combines the usage of "number" and "name" since a tooling is needed eventually and tool can decide the assigned value is a number or name.
Something like:
/* Init Secure Partition - here is the pseudo code and does not exist in real sources */
p_irq_ctx = get_interrupt_ctx_by_source (p_manifest->source); /* Tool has converted the number or name into specified source index type */
init_interrupt(p_irq_ctx, THIS_SP); /* SP-IRQ binding is needed */
The 'source' here is just a keyword for tool searching in the platform resource descriptions and be converted into a program recognizable index so that runtime code could know the interrupt context and do something.
The irq_number you proposed is direct which is good; but for the name, if we need to do extra operations instead of just know where the handler is, a looking up is still needed based on the irq name provided.
That is just my opinion, you can try the email in FF spec for collecting feedbacks: arm.psa-feedback(a)arm.com
-----Original Message-----
From: TF-M <tf-m-bounces(a)lists.trustedfirmware.org> On Behalf Of DeMars, Alan via TF-M
Sent: Saturday, November 9, 2019 2:38 AM
To: 'tf-m(a)lists.trustedfirmware.org' <tf-m(a)lists.trustedfirmware.org>
Subject: [TF-M] irqs "source" field
I think the PSA FF current definition of the "irqs" "source" attribute is needlessly opaque, confusing, and limiting.
Why can't there simply be two attributes "irq_number" and "irq_name".
"irq_number" corresponds to the CMSIS XYZ_IRQn convention in terms of its interpretation. It can be either a literal number or a manifest constant.
"irq_name" is the symbolic name of the ISR as it appears in the user's vector table.
That way there is no confusion regarding how they will be used.
TF-M mailing list