This threads originates in a trivial fix for the 'clean' Makefile target.
All contributions, even cosmetic and/or from the outside world, must follow the same formal process. Apparently, the process fails for external contributors. The discussion is visible there: https://lists.trustedfirmware.org/archives/list/tf-a@lists.trustedfirmware.o...
At this moment, there were more people involved in the discussion than letters affected by the patch, so I was invited to switch to a private mail exchange. I was asked to describe the error messages, did so, and was forgotten ever since.
Almost a year has passed, the patch is neither refused nor applied. The connection error still prevents some/all external contributions. The only effect of my request so far is that I have been obliged to create accounts on github and your gerrit instance.
Is there hope for a more satisfying conclusion?