Hi Nithin,
Similar answer to your other query regarding MISRA rule 15.7 violations in version 1 of the translation table library.
Again, version 2 of the library does not seem to violate MISRA rule 14.2 - which I suppose, is the rule you're reporting violations for. Thus, I would recommend switching to lib/xlat_tables_v2/ for the same reasons.
Best regards, Sandrine
On 12/7/23 14:16, Nithin G via TF-A wrote:
In the file lib/xlat_tables/xlat_tables_common.c and other related files, the condition clause of the for loop does not use the loop counter variable "mm". This leads to violations when running the Coverity MISRA-C analysis for the ZynqMP platform. Addressing this issue added mm as part of loop counter and this belongs to core translational table logic and other violations also related to this. Is it possible to address this issue? Please provide your suggestions.
Regards, Nithin G