Please find the minutes to the Feb 17 TSC below.
Best regards,
Don - Sent on behalf of TSC chairs.
Meeting started 17.05 UK time on 02-17-2022
Antonio de Angelis
Anton Komlev
Andrej Butok
David Brown
Julius Werner
Kevin Townsend
1. Brief introduction from Antonio on the survey prepared by the tf.org community manager to be circulated with TSC and Board members after the upcoming Board meeting. General overview of the type of questions in the survey, possibility to request a 1:1 with TSC leadership in one of the survey questions, if don’t want to share feedback on the survey itself. Results will be collected and shared during March’s TSC.
1. Next topic: Anton’s presentation on TF-M roadmap.
- Release cadence updated to two releases per year, April and November. Next one in April will be TF-M 1.6 (still in discussion when to move to 2.0 numbering, might be November or earlier depending on features that end up in the release) - Main focus for the project is on optimisations - Kevin: code size/RAM requirements don’t look that bad, especially given the amount of features you get - Anton: agree, but trying to achieve some smaller footprints like 8 KB of RAM for FF-M - Mbed TLS 3.1.0 already integrated and will be available in next released version of TF-M - Allows to pass full set of compliance tests for PSA (Architecture Compliance Kit, ACK) - David: need to further investigate integration with Zephyr OS at this stage given the new version of mbed TLS 3.1.0 integrated in TF-M - Efforts to improve documentation - Kevin: There is a lot of good documentation in the design docs folder, but unfortunately it gets outdated and does not reflect latest status of development. Idea proposed to add an expiry date and an owner to each document. When the document expires the owner needs to review and update it accordingly to latest development. It’s extra effort on owner but helps keeping documentation updated. Might be an expiry date of once per year. TF-M to consider the idea. - ADAC tooling support for host side tools - PSA FWU - Kevin: wondering how big is the update expected here . TF-M: We expect consolidation phase: check with the users and work on their feedback. - Any questions: - Andrej: are there examples of companies already using TF-M in production? TF-M: Some startups already using TF-M in their designs but not sure if already production stage - Kevin: Confidential AI use case from Linaro is an example of how TF-M can be used to secure model parameters for inferencing on the edge node. Confidential AI whitepaper for additional details. Security and protection of the models, encryption of raw sensor data on S world, transition to NS world in encrypted form only to establish a TLS connection to a cloud server. Decryption happens in the server - TF-M: Another use case is an algorithm to be protected hence allowed to run only on the Secure world - Andrej: moving from Gerrit to GitHub would improve wide spreading the adoption process of TF-M as a lot of companion projects (e.g. Zephyr, mbed TLS) in this space are already hosted in GitHub and developers are used to GitHub flow while Gerrit flow is more complicated. TF-M: agree move to GitHub is good for popularity. Discussions ongoing in TSC already for several months, final decision is with maintainers for Gerrit to GitHub move. DavidB: TF-M on GitHub might improve contribution rate from additional developers more used to GitHub, Gerrit is more complicated / less common: might result in popularity increase
1. Any other topics for today TSC: - Attendance: no questions or additional topics raised - Antonio: need to identify which is next project for March’s meeting roadmap update. Will discuss and communicate on the mailing list accordingly in advance.
Meeting close 17:45 UK time.