
Please find the minutes to the Feb 17 TSC below.

Best regards,

Don - Sent on behalf of TSC chairs.


Meeting started 17.05 UK time on 02-17-2022



Antonio de Angelis

Anton Komlev

Andrej Butok

David Brown

Julius Werner

Kevin Townsend


  1. Brief introduction from Antonio on the survey prepared by the tf.org community manager to be circulated with TSC and Board members after the upcoming Board meeting. General overview of the type of questions in the survey, possibility to request a 1:1 with TSC leadership in one of the survey questions, if don’t want to share feedback on the survey itself. Results will be collected and shared during March’s TSC.


  1. Next topic: Anton’s presentation on TF-M roadmap.



  1. Any other topics for today TSC:


Meeting close 17:45 UK time.