[BCC all OP-TEE maintainers]
Hi OP-TEE maintainers & contributors,
It is time again to prepare for a new OP-TEE release (3.10.0). Target is Friday, August 21st which leaves us 3 weeks to finalize the release.
Please start testing your favorite platform(s) and report any issue in this pull request [1]. I will create a release candidate tag one week before the release date, at which point we will do some more testing and I will collect Tested-by tags in the same pull request.
[1] https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/pull/4008
FYI, I have tagged 3.10.0-rc1. There is one week left before the target release date and no serious issue has been reported at this point, so I expect only a few fixes and all should be good.