LOC monthly meeting is planned to take place Monday December 21st@16.00 (UTC+1). This time it will just be an open discussion, since we have no planned presentation/talks otherwise. So feel free to suggest topics you'd like to discuss (by replying to this email or write it directly in the meeting notes).
The issue we had last time with Zoom ID not valid any longer should have been fixed now. Note that the fix involved generating a new meeting ID, which means that the old connection information is no longer valid. It's also worth mentioning that all upcoming meetings can now be found at the TrustedFirmware calendar (url is below).
Meeting details: --------------- Date/time: Monday December 21st@16.00 (UTC+1) https://everytimezone.com/s/f5c1ffe4 Connection details: https://www.trustedfirmware.org/meetings/ Meeting notes: http://bit.ly/loc-notes Project page: https://www.linaro.org/projects/#LOC
Regards, Joakim on behalf of the Linaro OP-TEE team