I am trying to add TLS 1.3 support to a curl project (https://github.com/MAntoniak/curl). As a result, it has two questions.
The first refers to the error code MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_RECEIVED_NEW_SESSION_TICKET. This suggests an error receiving a new session ticket. I couldn't find anything else in the documentation. However, in the ssl_cllient2.c example application (line 2638), this code is used as a message to the application about a new session ticket. This makes me unsure whether it would be correct to continue receiving application data normally.
The second question relates to the receipt of tickets. The curl project does not store session tickets, so it uses the MBEDTLS_SSL_SESSION_TICKETS_DISABLED flag. If this is the case, why do we nevertheless receive a new ticket from the server?
Thank you for your reply.
Michał Antoniak