I am writing a server client with Libuv as tcp stack and mbedtls as ssl. I am able to do a successful handshake between server and client but after that when I try to write/read application data it fails with “Verification of the message MAC failed”. After inspecting debug logs, I found the server and client have the same Pre-master master secret and IV and still it is failing. Currently both client and server are on the same machine . I am attaching server and client logs. Any help is appreciated.
server.log https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oaMMV2_YVDL8GLn6GH3PIQSIH5BDbGeU/view?usp=drive_web
client.log https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z9P1ssglqRpBUmXF9TuRQd6KJKvyw6RJ/view?usp=drive_web