Hi All, A gentle reminder that the Asia-Europe timezone-friendly MBed TLS Tech forum is next *Monday, Oct 10 at 10:00am UK time*. Invite details can be found on the online calendar here https://www.trustedfirmware.org/meetings/.
If you have any topics, please let Dave Rodgman, cc'd, know. :) Best regards,
Don Harbin
TrustedFirmware Community Manager
Hi everyone,
As I understand it, part of the idea behind PSA is to enable developers to use hardware accelerated drivers (e.g. where a CPU has integrated crypto acceleration features). Presumably this is to decouple implementation layers from the main mbedtls library.
I was also recently looking at an ARM Cortex M-series AES acceleration library on github (by a developer in Poland):
Putting the two together, is the idea also to deliver things like this via the PSA layer?
Thanks, Nick