Dear MBedTLS-Team,
we are currently evaluating MBedTLS for use in our Product. We develop an implant for blood pressure patients, and our implant and its charger need to communicate securely. We already have an AES encrypted communication running, but so far we just store the password in every device, and we would like to switch to RSA to exchange an AES key. It would also be important for us to be able to validate an x509 certificate on the implant. However, due to energy constraints, our internal flash memory on the implant is extremely small, and we would like to not parse the certificate on the implant, but rather send only the key and the signature directly, and then "validate by hand" on the implant. If I understand the procedure correctly, that would only involve taking a hash of the pubkey, decrypting the signature with a stored CA-public key, and compare them, correct? Would that be possible?
Besides normal support during our implementation phase, we would be interested in being informed whenever a vulnerability is found in MBedTLS and a fast update. Do you offer such a service? If so, what will it cost?
Kind Rergards, Felix Knorr