I want to test/analyze the performance increase of using tinycrypt for ECC operations instead of the standard MbedTLS ECC functions. Could you please help me with a few answers regarding this?
I am aware that tinycrypt is already integrated in the baremetal branch. Do you happen to know what is the performance increase of using this tinycrypt uECC implementation instead of the standard one on arm cortex m4 microcontrollers?
I would like to port the tinycrypt uECC changes from baremetal branch to a Mbed TLS 2.25.0 version used in Matter repo (from where Mbed TLS repo is refered), more exactly this commit: https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbedtls/tree/1c54b5410fd48d6bcada97e30cac417c5c7e...
What do you think is the best approach? I thought of forking Mbed TLS, creating a separate branch with that commit and adding there the tinycrypt changes from baremetal branch. However, I'm not sure how to proceed next since the Matter repo refers the MbedTLS repo. Is this approach ok?
Thank you!