Abhishek (Arm)
Julian Hall (Arm)
Gyorgi Szing (Arm)
Dan Handley (Arm)
KangKang (FutureWei)
Julius Werner (Google)
Joakim Bech (Linaro)
David Brown (Linaro)
Don Harbin (Linaro)
Andrew Butok (NXP)
Dave Cocca (Renesas)
Michael Thomas(Renesas)
Abhishek: Send inclusive language email for vote
Abhishek: Check to see if can share Trusted Service Project use cases
Abhishek: Gather vote on Trusted Services Project request through email
DanH: Talk to Matteo / Shebu about requirements for continued support of s/w stacks on new h/w (in particular the 8.4 and beyond). Develop a migration plan.
Trusted Services Project request
TSC needs to approve. No budgetary impacts
JH: Shared overview slides of Trusted Services Project
JH: Ready to re-publish the work. A build system is in place. Tests in place.
Need a public repo
Need tf.org front page update
Need Mail list
CI is a TBD
DanH: Plan to go to public CI from the start?
Gyorgy - an internal CI first would be easier.
DanH: Need to be aware of what upstream CI will require ahead of time
DC: How are CI requirements related to other ongoing projects
Gyorgy - currently no implementation, would need to do that and implement
DC: What about ongoing CI?
DanH: Should eventually migrate to TF CI
AB: Why not develop as part of TF-A Project?
Abhishek: Ideally would migrate TF-A services into this at some point.
JH: A stand-alone w/ dependencies makes sense
DanH: Within Arm, want to integrate the components in multiple configurations.
Abhishek: Would help if clarify TF-A vs TF-M.
JB: Do we have use cases defined on how these will be used
JH: For crypto services, yes. Device Identity, Audit Logs, building blocks to secure an IoT device are some examples.
JB: People ready to start using?
JH: Yes in the edge space
JB: Understanding the use cases on problem solving would be helpful
JH: Focus has been on Cortex A use cases
Abhishek: Will work to close this vote soon.
Inclusive Language
Abhishek: Looks like sufficient support.
No budget required, so no formal vote required. Want a vote?
DC: Vote here is ok.
Don: Destination of wording?
JW: Propose into coding style guides
Abhishek: Could also be a developer wiki page.
I.e. Duplicate in each coding guidelines plus a common section on the wiki.
Maintainers would be asked to add these to the Projects Coding Guidelines.
DanH: Proposing having it in one place and pointing to it.
Abhishek: Formalize the decision. Then can decide how to deploy.
Don: Where is exact wording?
Abhishek: Propose an email vote and the email will include the exact wording in the email. Also that the maintainer for each project is responsible to integrate into their coding guidelines
Arm V8 → 8.4 transition
JB: Member Companies have expressed concerns about Arm V8 and changes required to 84.. What should we tell people?
DanH: Don’t have to change S/W on 8.4.
Abhishek: How does Hafnium leverage it?
JB: Don’t want to forget this when making changes. All changes may not be backward compatible.
DanH: Take back to Matteo / Shebu a discussion about a migration plan
JB: Impacts to OP TEE components important to this.