Dan Handley (Arm)
Eric Finco (ST)
Kangkang (Futurewei)
Julius Werner (Google)
Joakim Bech (Linaro)
Kevin Townsend (Linaro)
Praneeth Bajjuri (TI)
David Brown (Linaro)
Bill Fletcher (Linaro Community Projects)
Don Harbin (Linaro Community Projects)
Andrej Butok (NXP)
Dave Cocca (Renesas)
Inclusivity language
JW: Proposing to follow lead of other open source projects in removing some terms seen as non inclusive. Same as Linux did recently. May have to make exception for some dependencies
DB: Wait for documentation of a device to do it, or proceed with it and risk coming up with different terms. Seems suggesting to wait for upstream to come up with it. A lot of older protocols may not get changed.
JW: Lowest common denominator to not update before internal dependencies.
DB: If the community agrees on a consensus on new terminology worth moving to it.
AP: No issue to declare intent on e.g. wiki page.
AB: Some specifications are fixed and can’t change. Seems America centric. In NXP there are no emails on this.
DanH: Can set a baseline for new work. Retrospective action can be more problematic in terms of specs but local documentation is easier. E.g. branch names possible - but has impact.
AP: If some devices have named hardware registers changing it could be problematic vs pure software. Also it’s a personal thing.
DanH: Have to consider company interest and also TF.org
JW: Don’t think this is going to go away. Look at the volume of projects working on this. Believe we might as well get started now.
EF: Agree should be a difference between internal company and tf.org. Similar situation in ST to NXP. No pressure from stakeholders.
AP: Believe we look to cover the spirit of this and then look at the practicalities
JW: Internal terminology vs from outside. Don’t believe we should set deadlines. Decide if want it for future submissions
DC: Makes sense going forward to implement the intention for anything new and also to participate in arriving at some common new terminology in the industry.
KS: Think this a political topic. If TF has a proposal then each members can take it back to their company.
DC: I think we can accommodate better terminology moving forward.
AP: Propose to stop the agenda here and it will be on the agenda for the next meeting.
DanH: Changes to coding guidelines will need to be in several places
AP: Wondering if have something similar to maintenance guideline on the wiki
KK: Many of the alternatives will translate back to the same words in Chinese. Will take a proposal back to the company.
AP: Note TSC mailing list is a public archive
Project Release Strategy
JB: How to make TF the source of information for projects (releases, roadmap etc)?
DanH: Expenditure approved in the Board
AP: Have information from e.g. Zephyr project that they moved their archive to groups.io
Standard Hardware requirements
EF: Didn’t have the bandwidth to prepare something on this. Can close it for now
DanH: Raised Linaro Lab ticket for prototyping. Appears easy.
AP: Final decision based on a prototype?
DanH: Goal to provide more community friendly front end - simple pull request mechanism. Everything would have a GitHub FE but Gerrit would be the ‘truth’ with respect to reviews. Also gives integrated issue tracker.
AP: Current infrastructure seems ‘clunky’ to some people
DanH: Need to get a suitable GH organization account.
Website Improvements
BF: Have had several rounds of review from Shebu/Matteo. OK with the current design. Want to synchronise the transition next week aligned with Connect presentation.
BF: After it’s live, will be open for changes from members
BF: Preview is available for review now. https://production-trustedfirmware-org-265.websitepreview.linaro.org/
Supporting X.519
AP: Proposal sent by Kevin at the start of the year.
DB: Also involvement with SDO work
AP: Generated a clear requirement on TF-M
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