Hello Antonio,
Thanks Antonio, however it does not fully answer to my question for the ADAC part. One of my ST colleague currently working on ADAC is ok to join the call if the
ADAC subject is on the agenda, will it be the case or is it too early ?
Eric Finco
| Tel: +33
(0)2 4402 7154
Technical Specialist
ST Restricted
From: Antonio De Angelis <Antonio.DeAngelis@arm.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2024 8:32 AM
To: Eric FINCO <eric.finco@st.com>; tsc@lists.trustedfirmware.org
Cc: Kvamtrø, Frank Audun <frank.kvamtro@nordicsemi.no>; nd <nd@arm.com>; David Brown (david.brown@linaro.org) <david.brown@linaro.org>
Subject: Re: TSC 23-05-2024 Minutes and Presentation -> this week TSC agenda
Hi Eric,
The ADAC part of the presentation is still being polished by Frank and will be shared as soon as possible.
Regarding the MCUboot topic, we can of course add it to the agenda for tomorrow's meeting.
Sent from Outlook for Android
ST Restricted
From: Eric FINCO <eric.finco@st.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2024 9:30:21 PM
To: Antonio De Angelis <Antonio.DeAngelis@arm.com>;
tsc@lists.trustedfirmware.org <tsc@lists.trustedfirmware.org>
Subject: RE: TSC 23-05-2024 Minutes and Presentation -> this week TSC agenda
Antonio, Frank
The part related to ADAC presented by Frank during May TSC is not in the slides shared in the email below. Do you plan to come back on ADAC topic during this week
Antonio, All
Another point concerning the agenda of this week TSC, I would like we come back on the MCUboot vulnerabilities disclosure that I already mentioned during the April
(or march ? ) board meeting.
Amongst the 5 vulnerabilities on MCUboot reported by ST, 3 have been not recognized as a vulnerabilities and disclosed as a standard bug, one has been recognized
as a vulnerability, disclosed and a fix integrated in the MCUboot release v2.1.0 however according to ST security team the last one (reported September 2023) is to date not disclosed -> Can we discuss it ?
Eric Finco
| Tel: +33 (0)2 4402 7154
Technical Specialist
ST Restricted
From: Antonio De Angelis via TSC <tsc@lists.trustedfirmware.org>
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2024 3:28 PM
To: Dan Handley via TSC <tsc@lists.trustedfirmware.org>
Cc: nd <nd@arm.com>
Subject: [TF-TSC] TSC 23-05-2024 Minutes and Presentation
Dear all,
apologies for the delay in getting this out. Please find below the minutes for last TSC meeting and attached both presentations from Akanksha (TF-A / TS roadmap update) and Frank (TF-PSA-Crypto-Drivers
I also wanted to remind you that the TF-PSA-Crypto-Drivers topic will have a follow up in the next TSC meeting (20th of June), as last time we did not have any time for discussion and
we had to rush the last bits of the presentation, so we're aiming to do a replay / discussion focused session this time: I'd like to invite any interested party to review the material before the meeting.
Dan Handley
Eric Finco
Maulik Patel
Kankkang Shen
Camille Greusard
Olivier Deprez
Frank Audun (Nordic)
Dominic Ermel
Julius Werner
* Akanksha and Dan presented these slides
* More non-Arm Hafnium contributions than previously.
* Eric: Who from?
* I believe Nvidia
* Release 2.11 should be available next week.
* Olivier: TF-A v2.11 trees were tagged today. Release announcement is imminent, worst case next Tuesday!
* GIC v3.3 NMI DI/II gated on some kernel investigations
* Frank presented these slides
* Calling from Ireland
* 1st topic is PSA ADAC. Also to talk about TF PSA Crypto Drivers
* Question of whether ADAC is properly supported in TF-M. We want this a front-end feature in TF-M
* Dan: How platform specific is this?
* If you have e.g. a standard life cycle and crypto concepts (e.g. PSA Crypto) then can have a common front end.
* Anton: When you say platform RoT, do you mean PSA RoT?
* Yes
* Antiono: The “built in keys” support has been on the Mbed TLS roadmap for some time now.
* Yes, we’ll continue to push for this