Hi All,
As I was doing some updates, I realized that the TF TSC maillists were out of date. We also haven't been sending minutes to the list for archival purposes.  To that end, please see below:
  • There are 2 maillists for the TSC. 
    • tsc-private:  For the official TSC reps
    • tsc:  Includes the folks in tsc-private plus additional developers interested in tracking the TSC activities.
  • We've been sending TSC minutes to individuals in the TSC calendar invite. I plan to change this so that the minutes are sent to TSC list to be correctly archived.
  • I've just updated both lists to represent what I believe is correct. If you see anyone I've missed or other errors, please send me a note and I'll correct.  If a communication is for TSC Member Reps only, please use TSC-private.  
  • Moving forward, we will send TSC Meeting minutes to the TSC maillist to include the wider distribution..
  • I plan to keep the invite to the meeting as-is with invites going out to individuals.
Please review the snapshots of each list below and let me know if I've missed anyone on your teams.  
Thanks for your support/feedback in cleaning up,

TSC maillist.png