Dear all,
please find below the notes that I took during the meeting. The TF-PSA-Crypto-Drivers presentation has been shared already. For next month we are still planning to have a similar session for ADAC, still pending the slides to be polished and shared by Frank.
David Brown
PJ Bringer
Eric Finco
Vincent Berthelot (STM)
Julius Werner
Dominik Ermel
Eric F. / David B. --> MCUboot vulnerabilities (5 reports from STM, no disclosure. 1 for which no feedback yet. David V. analysis posted, but no disclosure -> STM requires to understand how to proceed further)
1 was fixed and released (Injection attack)
For a few of them we need to publish disclosure -> Downgrade prevention can be bypassed. Needs to be disclosed as ST needs to position with their customers. David B. I will go ahead and disclose, we can have a SW workaround. Vincent is ok with it. Other
ones are disclosed and no blocker on that, there is a way forward.
TF-PSA-Crypto-Drivers discussion
-> Go through the presentation again. TF-PSA-Crypto repo in the context of Mbed TLS 4.0
Ruchika agrees to proposal idea
Janos on technical: the drivers API are still under development, not feature complete. Details for further improvement, tech forum / github -> direction of that will influence the repo proposal as well
repo / vendor focused. Allow for generated and checked in version of driver_wrappers
--> Stabilize the PSA Crypto drivers API (currently it's all internal)
--> PSA Crypto core vs drivers responsibilities
--> Licensing, binary hosting, docs, and configurability
Vincent: Do you plan to propose a transition period in order to let vendor to move?
Plan discussions in TF-M tech forum / Mbed TLS
--> Any license? BSD-3. -> Taken through the board. Standard permissive licenses ok, but more complex case?
--> Build at least, testing possible. Not have code that is left there without testing
--> Proposal idea is welcomed by current providers of drivers