Abhishek - Arm
Kumar - Linaro
MarkG - TI
RemiD - Linaro
DaveP - Linaro
Eric - ST
MatteoC - Arm
ShebuK - Arm
BillM - TI
Christian -Cypress
DonH - Linaro
SobyM - Arm
Joakim - Linaro
DavidB - Linaro
BillF - Linaro Community Projects
Pending action items
CI discussion - slides circulated
Security incident handling - postponed as DanH cannot attend
Won’t use TSC-private mailing list any more (will be reactivated if needed)
Attestation script home - Arm team will upstream initial patch.
Dean to send test cases running on MPS2. Dean is going to do some deployment today (or ASAP). Follow up with Christian if nothing comes from Dean
Proposal from documentation - Abhishek to send out initial proposal. Will be circulated after Connect.
TF-A Roadmap
JB: Will the roadmap be circulated publicly?
MC: Would make sense to circulate a version publicly. For now this is the Arm roadmap. Would be a combination of contributions from project, other parties and infrastructure plans from Arm. Don’t know if advance which platforms are coming in from Partners
JB: Not exactly clear what should publish. Maybe some kind of lightweight roadmap.
SK: Have always published cut down version in TF-M dashboard.
(MC shows slides from monthly report on
(MC shows “Trusted Firmware-A Evolution” #5 slide - this slide will be circulated afterwards). Data is public so follow-up discussions can happen on a public list.
Arm & Google discussing to have Hafnium as secure EL2 firmware
EF: Any assumption in terms of architecture?
MC: v8 systems 32 & 64 bit. Not maintaining v7 TF.
MC: Code is moving from GitHub to git/gerrit
JB: Functional safety (2020?)
MC: Good topic for TF. Happy to have a discussion on MISRA-C etc. Can’t certify with Arm toolchain linker. Partners need to do own platform port.
(SV shows “TF-M v1.0-Beta @ Embedded World’19” - slide, backlog & Roadmap)
SV: All work items public under Phabricator. Have 4 engineers working under
AP: Platform support? Worth to have something along with the roadmap to show which platforms are planned to be upstream.
CD: List of platforms that will be supported? All for that.
EF: We can create ticket when we work on an upstream platform. Would be easier than putting this in a public roadmap. Should discuss what are the coding rules and what we plan to put in /platform/x/target (?). Action Eric to make a proposal on upstream platforms & tickets
AP: Stay away from complete freedom to put code conforming to any code convention in one of the directories.
KG: Anyone looking at infrastructure for the project? MISRA, Coverity?
(question open)
LAVA topic
(slides LAVA Remote Labs - previously shared)
CD: raised question about having local master to help admin overhead.
RD: Linaro believes that it’s better to have from local IT point of view to have single master. Currently lava has either admin or submitter. Linaro working on adding mid-level. It’s a shared master with multiple admins.
CD: Already have lava setup internally (with local master?)
DP: Remote worker model is not necessarily for everyone.
CD: Less shared management is a good proposition if you don’t have already that in place.
DP: Provided further input on this.
KG: How the hardware is done has impact on adding something in the CI loop
Original use case is companies wanting to put device in LAVA without shipping device to a central lab. Different model for sharing open CI with all projects vs making it easier within the companies.
After some further discussion we decided to put a pin on this for discussing offline.